
3 years, 1 month ago



Owner: armanie_zacharias

Name: Polly

Age: 15 years

Bloodline: N/A

Birthdate: date you wish here, if unsure leave blank and wiki team will assign

Upload Date: admin should put date here

Sexuality: bisexual

Gender: female

Status: single

Parents: N/A (raffle)

Cubs: N/A

Personality: Manipulative, reckless, party girl, easily addicted to things

History: Polly's mother slept around a lot, resulting in lots of brothers and sisters for her.  After her most recent cub, a female kube she named Eira, she fell ill and passed away.  Polly was a young adult by then so she had to step up to be the mother figure for Eira.  She reached out to Eira's father, asking for help as she had very little experience in raising such a young cub herself.  The male made it obvious that he wanted nothing to do with his bastard child and Polly.  She tried her best to raise Eira to the best of her ability, but the stress of it broke her down to the point to where she ended up neglecting Eira by going and partying with other strange grans.  This eventually led her to using drugs such as opium, mushrooms and others.  

Eira was getting weaker and weaker, but Polly could care less as all she cared about was her next drug fix.  Luckily, a lone male granthrow came along and saw the terrible condition her little sister was and proceeded to take her away.  He told her she was not fit to raise the cub and that he would take care of her.  Polly asked to come along but he refused, as he didn't want the cub to be influenced by her bad behavior.
Now Polly wanders Arilyan alone, getting the next high and drug fixes and manipulates others into giving her what she wants, whether it be shelter, food, or even drugs.  Occasionally this behavior gets her into some really bad situations, but she always manages to get out of those situations.

Random facts: Will take any sort of drug.  She's even licked frogs to get high.  Because of the drug abuse, some of her teeth had rotted out, and the others sensitive, so she has to eat soft foods now.

Stats: STR – 2 | RES – 5 | WIS – 3 | CHA – 5 | DEX – 5

Traits: Tail: UC | Ears: C | Fangs: C | Size: UC (small) | Eyes: C 

Alt Traits: Horns: N/A | Wings: N/A| Glowies: N/A| Feathers: N/A

Sleeping Rot Traits: Mushrooms: N/A| Flowers: N/A| Plants: N/A| Branch Horns: N/A| Wooden Limbs: N/A

God Trait(s): N/A

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: N/A