


7 years, 3 days ago


Former Monarch soldier, left to become a Monk. After his death he was accidentally turned into a Poltigan. Former squad-mate to Collins.

Balboa worked as a Monarch Soldier in Squad R alongside Collins, Luarkspar, Lidvig and one other unnamed member. Together they worked in reconnaissance locating hypers for the other squads to deal with. After Collins left the squad disintegrated with everyone going their separate ways. Balboa left the military to go do some soul searching, killing hypers, people, left a heavy weight on Balboa's soul. Eventually he found himself at the steps of a temple and there seeking guidance and relief Balboa became a monk. 

He lived here for many years, these years really help ease the burden on his mind. Then one day a group of people came to the temple seeking help from the monks that lived there. There was trouble in their village with a stranger using their souls and bodies for black magic. Balboa and the other monks when to control the intrude and managed to drive them off, however Balboa died in the process. Being monks the others would no kill this intruder but only drove them off. This intruder was Drax a necromancer. Drax would come back to use his soul in some of his dark magic experiments. This caused Balboas soul to not rest however he was still strong from his years in meditation and managed to escape. He fled to go check on his former squad mates sending their minds had no found peace like he had done. When he came to visit Larkspur his son Mum was studying the dark energies of the Nightmare Real, and was preforming experiments. He accidentally snatched up Balboa's soul, which just so happened to be the nearest beside his own, the spell Mum was working on would have taken his own soul however Balboa intervene and was then turned into a Poltigan Lantern instead. 

Balboa simply took this as a new part in his life, a new chapter as a new being instead harboring ill will towards Mum, who was oblivious to the whole thing. Balboa since then has been wondering around trying his best to help others.