Seung-Jin Moon



3 years, 4 months ago


General Info 

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Name: Seung-Jin Moon

Age: 30

Gender & Pronouns: Demi Boy (He/Him, They/Them)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship: Taken (Dating Adonis)

Height: 5'3”

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthday: February 21 


  • English
  • Korean

Occupation: Researcher, Retired Coordinator/Idol

5-Point Personality:

  • Pessimistic
  • Analytical
  • Awkward
  • Impulsive
  • Loyal


TW: Graphic abuse, mentions of suicide, Illness

Seung-Jin was born in Sitrine City to a researcher and an up-and-coming director. His mother was a one-time actress, known for her beauty and singing but gave it all up to return to her dreams to be a researcher for the Fell Star of the Notoria region and her family. Her husband was a new director, prizing himself to being famous for blockbusters. But Her family disapproved of her husband and cut her out from the family when they married.  When Seung-Jin was born, his parents were overjoyed in welcoming the baby boy and wanted nothing but success in the future. Named after the stars and excitement, Seung-Jin must have been destined for greatness. His father had aspirations to mold him into a famous legend so that their names would be cemented to fame. But even as good as the intentions his father had, it came at a great cost. 

Seung-Jin was enrolled in dancing, singing, acting, piano, anything to enhance his skills and resume as a potential talent. He had no time for friends or any free time to figure out what he liked. yet at the same time, he felt that these dreams were his own, as he wanted to make his parents proud, be praised and live like celebrities, and give that life to his family. Seung-Jin became a rising child star, a child prodigy participating in singing shows and appearing in commercials and films. As time went on, Seung's father's career began to sour. The once-successful director was scorned after a scandal, and black-listed. Soon Seung-Jin became the biggest earner of the household. His mother leaving her work because of her husband's wishes for a more traditional home. His home life became living hell as his father refused to change and insisted on being a famous director. Despite Seung-Jin's money from his young career, it was being misused by his father to buy excessively expensive luxuries. To give off the facade they were better off than reality. His mother began to resent his father the more he kept with his delusions instead of caring for the family. 

His parent's relationship devolved into arguments and screaming matches, and despite the many sacrifices, his mother made she wouldn't let herself be walked on anymore. Standing her ground, she went back into work as a researcher and tried her best to keep Seung-Jin with her. But of course, she couldn't always keep her son with her when she had to work a demanding job. Seung-Jin dreaded spending time with his father as he grew more callous and cruel towards his own son- demanding more from the young boy and giving nothing in return. Seung-Jin was treated as a personal piggy bank by his father and often in drunken rages would physically threaten his own son. In a particular instance, Seung-Jin remembers clearly being punched in the stomach repeatedly until he vomited by his father when he refused to go to an acting gig. He was slowly being affected by the intense surroundings and pressure, anxiety and panic filling his days with illness and being restrained to the bed. His mother had no idea about the abuse, Seung-Jin too scared to tell her anything in order to protect her. 

It all built up to a singing competition, one that would make or break Seung-Jin's career as a child star. Only 12 years old, he needed to win to launch his true career. Without it, he would be quickly forgotten and years of work wasted. All of this weight don his mind as he stood on the stage, staring at the audience. The eyes of the crowd blurred with the bright lights but seeing his father stand as the judges repeatedly asked him to begin was too much for him. He fainted and was disqualified. Crushed by this setback, the family truly felt like it fell apart as his father only spiraled out of control. The abuse began to bleed towards his mother, who was struggling to save enough money to escape with her son. Seung-Jin was suffering heavily from terror attacks and depression- becoming suicidal after the loss. 

His father didn't care and still forced him to take auditions without his mother knowing. Finally, Seung-Jin couldn't take it anymore and lashed out, becoming physically violent during the audition. This blackballed him from ever getting any sort of career in acting or media again. His father left the family after an argument with his mother, claiming he would find the better woman and child that he deserved. Seung-Jin was desolate after it all, and for years was homeschooled because of his instability. 

Seung-Jin's mother stayed by his side through his slow recovery, moving to Notordea and restarted her career aspiration as a respected researcher. Soon a leading figure in breakthroughs on the Fell Star. Seung-Jin, despite his own fall, slowly rose in the path by his mother as a promising pupil. he went through heavy therapy, and only in his mid-twenties, he felt comfortable even try and function by himself. Seung-Jin loved his mother dearly and appreciated the hard work she had done his entire life. He wanted to repay her despite his mother only wanting his happiness. The two made peace with their past with each other and grew stronger together as they recovered. Seung-Jin worked hard for his mother, wanting to give her a peaceful and normal life. Despite that being his main motive, for once he actually felt free to do as he pleased. It had been years but he still felt his father's shadow looming over him. Yet when he listened to lectures or researched on his own- he felt a way out. It was thrilling, and it only encouraged him to learn more about Pokemon.

Soon, he actively enjoyed studying in his field. But even so, college is college and he needed something to entertain him without critical thinking. That's when Seung-Jin became infatuated with contest idols and coordinators. Despite reminding him of a past failure, he felt comforted by the glitz and glamour. In his loneliness, they were there and brightened his day. They were there in his darkest moments to help him smile, and he adored them. He worked as a researcher briefly, until his mother grew dangerously ill. Confined to a hospital bed, his mother could no longer walk but stayed alive and cognizant. Seung-Jin promised his mother that before she would pass he would fulfill his dream to be a contest coordinator, so she could see him truly happy. Even if he were to fail again, he needed to be on stage once more because there was one person in the crowd he was performing for and her time was running out. 

Seung-Jin embarked on his journey with Cache, Shirley, and Mel in the Notoria Region, and grew closer as friends. He learned about himself, his goals, and his life. When he finally entered the pokemon contest, he lost but realized that this life he strived for wasn't his own. He didn't regret any of it, as finally a chapter of his life had ended and he left on his own terms. Comet (his idol persona) was left on that stage and he moved on to become his own person as Seung-Jin, researching on his travels with his friend.

Current Pokémon 

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   Means on Team

  Means Deceased

Gaia (Servine)      

Seung-Jin's very first pokemon, Gaia is his starter and faithful companion.They evolved when Seung-Jin needed them int he illelga pokemon fighting arena to protect their trainer. Together, they'll shoot for the stars. 

  • Ability: Overgrow
  • Moves:
    • Leaf Tornado
    • Mega Drain
    • Vine Whip
    • Wrap

Celeste (Dustox)     

Seung-Jin's first capture, he caught Celeste as a Wurmple by vibing as a worm. Celeste understood his worm vibes and joined him. She has since evolved into a silcoon, and then into a beautiful moth who will seek vegence on all who wrongs her trainer.

  • Ability: Shield Dust
  • Moves:
    • Moonlight
    • Venoshock
    • Poison Powder
    • Gust

Aquarius (Corsola)     

Seung-Jin caught Aquarius in the Cottat Caves, he joined Seung-Jin on his journey to experience the world. Aquarius is a corner stone of the team, the tank to defend and keep the dream alive.

  • Ability: Hustle
  • Moves:
    • Ancient Power
    • Endure
    • Aqua Ring
    • Water Gun

Orion (Golbat)     

Seung-Jin caught Orion in the Cottat Caves as a Zubat, promisng that one day they can evolve and gain drip in the form of new wings if they travelled tgoether. That promise remains true to this day, as they evolve they only become even more cool.

  • Ability: Infiltrator
  • Moves:
    • Poison Fang
    • Mean Look
    • Supersonic
    • Quick Guard

Faye (Shiitonic)      

Seung-Jin caught Faye on the Candela Trail, offered him some life enrgy. After being mega drained, Seung-Jin had a moment trying to convince Faye to join him. Faye was fianlly convinced when they could live a peacful life without having to squabble with Parasects for territory.

  • Ability: Effect Spore
  • Moves:
    • Mega Drain
    • Moonblast
    • Strength Sap
    • Sleep Powder

Pluto (Dusclops)    

Seung-Jin caught Pluto on the Candela Trail after battling with Urania, weakeneded Pluto to catch him. Although the rocky start, Seung-Jin still appreciates him as a part of the team.

  • Ability: Pressure
  • Moves: 
    • Shadow Punch
    • Shadow Sneak
    • Fire Punch
    • Mean Look

Urania (Trevenant)    

Seung-Jin caught Urania on the Candela Trail as a Phantump, the two vibing as lonely souls in the darkness. They agreed to keep eachother company and Urania has since evolved into a mighty Trevenant.

  • Ability; Natural Cure
  • Moves:
    • Shadow Claw
    • Horn Leech
    • Hex
    • Confuse Ray

Venus (Fearow)   

Seung-Jin caught Venus in Valdeira, his second pokemon capture. Venus was a spearow at the time, who was going to eat Celeste (a wurmple at the time). Seung-Jin battled Venus to save Celesete, but perseauded Venus that there are better things to eat than his friends. Since then, Venus has evolved into a loyal friend and fearow.

  • Ability: Keen Eye
  • Moves: 
    • Peck
    • Aerial Ace
    • Fury Attack
    • Pursuit

Scylla (Pyukumuku)   

Seung-Jin caught Scylla on the coast of Sitrine City, after witnessing the brutal battle of his companions. The two stayed in their lane as all city-dwellers do but Sueng-Jin told Scylla there are places in the world where crime isn't rampant and they could feel safe. Traveling together, Scylla has since experieneced peace outside the city.

  • Ability: Innards Out
  • Moves:
    • Baton Pass
    • Harden
    • Helping Hand
    • Safeguard
Deimos (Nickit)    

Seung-Jin's first loss. He caught Deimos on Candela Trail, the two finding mutual ground in their personalities and equal sneakiness. Despite this, Deimos was defeated in the second gym battle- and too gravely injured to recover. Buried and laid to rest in the very town they came from, Seung-Jin is still heartbroken in breaking their promise to Deimos. But he keeps Deimos' memory in his heart, and despite not being companions for long reminds himself that despite the loss he shouldn't close his heart to others. Even in the night sky, among all the stars is the expanse of space, Deimos was there- sneaking in the night sky.