


3 years, 23 days ago




- abit of a trickster like cheshire cat

cause all of his code is sentient instead of the core controling more code to live properly like coding new properties to a game, he can disolve into code like if going invisible, in thuth hes just in the same place but in the hardrive

- cat, but not realy, mostly just an big summory of selfaware code what broght himself to someones computer

- not a virus, qwite usefull achualy

- basicly lives in a computer, but can push items from images and stuff true and doing them real, well real as in outside the image boarder

- lags weak pcs and laptops bc hes too detailedĀ 

- can get items from images, reload pages and they appear again, so he have himself folder with cooles food and uselest things what he whanted to put in there

- feed from image code tho still can taste what were on pic

theres only ONE instanse of him, though after day or 2 of work he can be cloned

travels the web and interacts with sentient ai / helpersĀ 

also youtube videos and games

but when interacts w them only vershions of them on the pc hes in changeĀ 

- runs fromcode eater HUGO