Basic Info








In a Relationship




Human/Shy Guy


June 3


Age: 13

Gender/pronouns: He/Him

Species: Human/Shy Guy

family: Mother and Father are unknown/deceased, he considers Kamek (Magikoopa) as his father.

Friends: Anti and Lolly

Relationship: Boyfriends with Orion (Belongs to Scis. no design yet)

Ember is a very cheery, happy go lucky kid. He likes to think he is the luckiest when it comes to any given situation. He tends to be a little clueless on some things and extremely knowledgeable on others. He can be kind of a clumsy guy, often tripping over his own feet or just embarrassing himself by running into walls. He is very passionate about those he loves and the things he loves to do, he adores blankets! He collects blankets and makes his own blankets, especially as gifts for others. He is always warm so offering hugs is something he enjoys doing also. He considers himself brave, thinking he is capable of fighting. however, he is not allowed to fight due to his asthma so instead, he operates a clown car and uses it to transport injured minions back to bowsers castle. Ember also tends to be shy sometimes, but very open and chatty with those he knows well.

He only barely knew his parents, tragically losing them in a semi-truck collision on a roundabout. Ember luckily survived, being tossed out of the car still in his car seat which ultimately saved his life. On the side of the road, he was found by Kamek of all people...koopas? Kamek took Ember back to bowsers castle to take care of him. Kamek originally never even had plans to keep Ember, but he became pretty attached and decided to raise him to eventually become another shy guy for bowsers troop. Ember grew up eager to explore the castle and learn everyone within it, not scared to talk to or approach anyone he saw, even if that meant Bowser himself, the koopalings or any other higher ups in the castle. He is close friends with Lolly and Anti, despite the fact that Anti really enjoys picking on Ember usually in a playful way, he finds joy in chasing Ember to watch him run, knowing about his asthma...pretty rude, Anti. Ember still has yet to know what happened to his parents, since he was too young at the time to really remember anything. Kamek is planning to tell Ember whenever he turns 18, fearing that him being 13 would only hurt him more since he has no idea it was something so tragic. Ember also has a strange form that can only be described as a Phoenix form. The form is rather unknown, as it rarely happens, and no one (including ember) have any idea what causes it or why it happens or HOW he is capable of being in such a form. He is however, unable to fly too high in that form, usually only being lifted a few inches off the ground and for a short period of time.


  • He has processing issues, especially when it comes to how others act. He doesn't understand sarcasm, sometimes can't tell if someone is asking a question, and always assumes that if anyone is picking on him that they're just being playful, so he often agrees and laughs back at their bullying.

  • Ember has over 50 blankets both that he collected and that he had made.

  • He loves hoodies, always sporting a classic red hoodie with some star pins on it! He loves stickers, pins and buttons a lot.

  • He feels pretty honored to be seen as a son by Kamek, even though Kamek is maybe old enough to be considered his grandpa. He just likes bragging about his father son relationship with Kamek.

  • Most days when he isn't operating the clown car, his days off are spent with his boyfriend Orion and he really enjoys being lazy and watching cartoons.

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD