Shuilan (:: Voicelines)




< Shuilan

Voice Over

Title Official Transcription
Hello... [text]
Good Morning...
Good morning, Traveller! I hope you had a good night's sleep.
Good Afternoon [text]
Good Evening... Liyue is so pretty at night... Do you want to take a stroll near the harbor? It always helps me take my mind off things.
Good Night...
It seems to me you had a really long day. Make sure you rest well tonight.
Chat - Home I've travelled to so many places... But in my heart, Liyue will always be my home.
Chat - 2 [text]
Chat - 3 [text]
When it rains...
*sigh* Of course I forgot my umbrella...
After the rain...
So... Hm. No rainbow this time either. *sigh*
When it snows... [text]
About Shuilan... [text]
About us - 1 [text]
About us - 1 [text]
About the Vision...
Vision... You mean, this Vision that wasn't actually granted to me? Yeah, you heard me right. It wasn't directly given to me... It used to belong to someone else and resonated with me. I don't know why and as such... I've always felt like I didn't deserve it. But if it can allow me to help those around me... I won't object being its new owner.
Something to share... [text]
Interesting things... [text]
About Xiangling...
I can't get enough of Xiangling's cooking! If you're looking for me and I'm neither at my aunt's house nor at work... There's a good chance you'll find me at Wanmin Restaurant, either eating or having a friendly chat with her.
About Zhongli : Crush
What? Me having a crush on Mr. Zhongli? *laughs nervously* You're really funny sometimes, you know?
About Zhongli : Stories
Have you been able to listen to some of his stories, so far? I find them fascinating! I could listen to them for hours on end. The way he describes the most simple things with such fondness and elegance is truly remarkable. But I've noticed sometimes, when he talks, his eyes start to wander and he looks... lonely. As if he's looking for something that's not really here... Maybe it's just me overthinking it... At least, I hope it is.
About Ningguang...
" Ah, yes... Tianquan Ningguang. A very smart and hardworking person. But I have to admit... Each and everytime I had the occasion to see her... Her demeanor left me very uncomfortable. I'm not saying that being materialistic is inherently wrong... But really, who needs a giant palace floating in the sky? "
About Keqing...
" I admire her resolve to make Liyue a better place and I agree with her to some extent about humans' new independance from the Gods... What I can't agree with is the way she expresses it sometimes. The way I've heard her talk about Rex Lapis on multiple occasions... Urg. "
About Hu Tao...
Hu Tao of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor... Everyone seem to have a problem with her, but... I like her. I think she's nice.
About Baizhu...
Thanks Rex Lapis we have someone with his medical knowledge in town... I can't remember the number of times I've hurt myself in the most mundane of ways, and I tend to get sick easily. Although, I'm not going to lie- The taste of his medicine has sometimes made me even sicker.
About Amber...
Yes, you came from Mondstadt before, right? How is Amber doing? I hope she's fine. Hm? How do I know her? Well, I used to travel, remember? Everytime we went back to Monstadt, I knew I'd get to see her again and it never failed to put a smile on my face. Uh... I should've told her when I- ... Nevermind.
About Odette... She's another dear friend of mine from the city of freedom. (wip)
More about Shuilan - I [text]
More about Shuilan - II [text]
More about Shuilan - III [text]
More about Shuilan - IV [text]
More about Shuilan - V [text]
Shuilan's hobbies... [text]
Shuilan's troubles... [text]
Favorite food... [text]
Least favorite food... [text]
Birthday... [text]
Feelings about Ascension - Intro [text]
Feelings about Ascension - Building Up [text]
Feelings about Ascension - Climax [text]
Feelings about Ascension - Conclusion [text]

Battle and Exploration

Action Line
Elemental Skill
I won't falter!

I can't fail now!
Elemental Burst You understimated me!
Begone, now!

No more deception!
Idle I've travelled to so many places... But in my heart, Liyue will always be my home.
(Same as Chat : Home.)
No time to waste!

Where are we going, now?
I'm fine... I'll be fine!

This is cheating!
Knocked Out
No... I still haven't found... them...

How could this happen? ...

I wanted to see my family...