


3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Drowned Piglin




【Profile 】

NAME Asherah
AGE Ages with me :)
D.O.B. -I'll figure it out
SPECIES/RACE Drowned Piglin
SEX Female
MBTI Introvert and extrovert but more extrovert
ARCHETYPE Rebel and Creative

Will write stuff later...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt nisi tellus, eget eleifend risus scelerisque quis. Vestibulum vitae cursus est, a molestie arcu. Pellentesque sollicitudin risus quis dui blandit, sit amet commodo urna dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam pharetra ipsum non tincidunt euismod. Vivamus venenatis venenatis libero in aliquet. Suspendisse suscipit ligula eu pretium ultrices.












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【Story 】

Early Life

"Life is good, no, it's great"

Asherah's early life

At the age of 2 Asherah was abandoned by her parents in the nether and left there to die. She was found by lava by a group of piglins. They took her back to their Bastion and taught her how to fight and find food. One she had wandered out of her home and found a nether portal. Off course her curiosity had taken over and she walked into it. The next thing she knew she was surrounded by a feild of flowers. There were hundreds of them, from roses, to tulips, sunflowers, and daisies. She started to pick the flowers until she heard a vice behind her. One of the piglins had flowered and called her over. Asherah brought the flowers over and showed the piglin the flowers. The piglin took the flowers and made them into a flower crown and put them on Asherah's head. Asherah was then told not to go through the portal anymore as it could and can be dangerous. She obeyed and all was good.

Teenage Years

"Whatever you do, don't trust anyone!"

Asherah's teenage life

At the age of 14 Asherah was exploring around the nether looking for gold. She stumbled upon the nether portal she had found when she was younger. She remembered the feild of flowers being on the other side so se walked up to the portal. Then the warning had come to her that she was not supposed to go through it. Asherah hesitated but the thought of flowers was too strong to ignore. She walked through but something had changed. Before where the flowers had been was no a massive house. She was upset that someone would get rid of such beauty. Asherah looked around sadly, but whoever lived in the house noticed her. Suddenly an arrow hit in the head and she feel backwards into a pond. She tried to swim to the top but in the process her leg got trapped in some rocks and she drowned. The piglins noticed she was gone and went to find her. The piglin that had warned her not to go through the portal, decided to check if Asherah had went through. As they got to the overworld they noticed Asherah in the pond with an arrow through her head. There was nothing they could about it so they sadly left her there. The piglin that saw her, still mourns Asherah and leaves flower crowns in the overworld for Asherah to wear.


"I know I'm never alone, but it feels like it"

Asherah is too young to be considered an adult, but now she walks around the over world collecting flowers and killing anything that comes across her path.

【Personality 】

Describe your character's personality.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt nisi tellus, eget eleifend risus scelerisque quis. Vestibulum vitae cursus est, a molestie arcu. Pellentesque sollicitudin risus quis dui blandit, sit amet commodo urna dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam pharetra ipsum non tincidunt euismod. Vivamus venenatis venenatis libero in aliquet. Suspendisse suscipit ligula eu pretium ultrices.

Sed pellentesque massa sed dui euismod pretium. Praesent pellentesque a metus in tristique. Vivamus vel purus neque. Etiam vitae neque arcu. Curabitur venenatis in ex nec elementum. Integer pretium auctor scelerisque. Nunc at laoreet sapien. Etiam dignissim tempor tellus, vel accumsan est efficitur in.

Vivamus dictum lacus quis vestibulum porttitor. Nam quis consectetur lorem, at blandit leo. Cras id facilisis odio. Pellentesque a tempor arcu, quis iaculis eros. Sed blandit tempus aliquam. Fusce facilisis quis tortor interdum tempus. Mauris feugiat risus non libero hendrerit, quis hendrerit lacus suscipit. Praesent sem dui, molestie ac nulla id, ullamcorper posuere nisl. Maecenas eget vulputate tortor. Curabitur lacinia ex augue, vitae consectetur diam malesuada in. Nulla pulvinar eu erat sit amet gravida. Etiam aliquet odio velit, vel convallis quam rhoncus at. Phasellus dictum pharetra ex, eget pharetra mi tristique eu. Cras nulla magna, congue vel libero nec, placerat scelerisque ante. Nam eu mollis enim, id pretium elit. Donec id gravida justo.

Fusce sagittis id leo et pulvinar. Suspendisse et nunc in justo consectetur sodales. In rutrum ac felis in hendrerit. Ut gravida tempor urna quis euismod. Quisque pulvinar a risus sit amet vestibulum. Aliquam ultrices, augue quis varius hendrerit, mi turpis varius lacus, vitae commodo tortor nisl vitae lorem. Proin convallis volutpat libero eget congue. Proin at arcu in nisl maximus posuere ultrices gravida diam. Aenean rutrum velit vel ligula egestas, ac condimentum nulla fermentum. Aliquam sit amet vehicula ante. Aenean et sem fringilla, malesuada sem vel, tempor neque. Praesent auctor a libero sit amet fringilla.

Curabitur ac lectus pharetra, aliquet arcu ornare, molestie diam. Sed at nunc non lorem laoreet efficitur vitae non ante. Phasellus euismod, tortor eget egestas accumsan, massa erat mattis eros, vitae ornare libero enim id arcu. Sed at lacus luctus mauris laoreet scelerisque tincidunt a elit. Phasellus tristique sed ante id volutpat. Integer facilisis metus felis, ut efficitur ex sollicitudin ultrices. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla ante mauris, molestie imperdiet mauris vitae, imperdiet condimentum ligula. Quisque lacinia posuere magna, a finibus felis iaculis fermentum. Sed fermentum mi ac eros gravida faucibus non quis mauris. Vivamus a justo ac enim bibendum dignissim. Sed sollicitudin tristique facilisis. Sed sit amet venenatis sapien, eget posuere tellus. Aliquam nec suscipit lacus.

【Details 】


Asherah's name means grove. She was named Asherah because she loves nature but she loves trees and flowers the most. As she wanders the overworld you can find her sitting in trees or lying amoung flowers.


  • Body Build:Thin but fit
  • Height:5'9"
  • Weight:132 pounds
  • Skin Colour:Green-bluish teal
  • Hair Style:Short and "fluffy"
  • Hair Colour:Greyish sky blue
  • Eye Shape:...
  • Eye Colour:Pastel neon blue
  • Distinguishing Features:Right side of face is skull and she wears a flower crown
  • Preferred Clothing:She always wears brown tattered shirt and pants witha leather belt that has a greenish-gold buckle.
  • Accessories:greenish-gold axe and flower crown


  • General Health:Good
  • Posture:...
  • Smokes?:Heck no!
  • Drugs?:Heck no!
  • Physical Illnesses, Disabilities, Etc.:...
  • Mental Illnesses, Disabilities, Etc.:She trusts no one except her family.


  • Way of Speaking:She is quiet when she speaks
  • Common Conversation Starter:*holds axe to neck* Who are you!
  • Swears?:Nope!
  • Quirks?:She can be quite funny once you know her (unless she killed you already).


  • "I don't trust you"
  • "Watch you back because you might have an axe in it soon"
  • "Prepare to die!"
  • "Oh look a flower!"
  • "Leave me alone I am busy enjoying nature!"


  • Flowers
  • Trees
  • Creating art with things she finds
  • Killing things
  • Swimming


  • People
  • Being stuck in places she can't get out of
  • Any mobs other than piglins


  • Can throw an axe far into the distance
  • Hiding
  • Can kill swiftly
  • Hunting
  • Crafting


  • Emotional
  • Immediatly hunting someone


  • Crafting
  • Hunting
  • Swimming
  • Watching nature
  • Killing


  • Immediatly disliking someone
  • Thinks of home a lot
  • Sleeping in flower fields
  • Gets nervous easily


  • Skill 1:Hunting
  • Skill 2:Crafting
  • Skill 3:Fishing
  • Skill 4:Swimming
  • Skill 5:Hiding


  • Has made friends with one person
  • Lives underwater but spends more time out of it
  • Has let a few people live
  • She visits the nether to visit her family


  • Drowning (but enjoys swimming)
  • Her family disappearing
  • Being surprise attacked
  • Flowers and trees disappearing


  • To try and find ways to have flowers in the nether
  • To bring her family to the overworld
  • To have a treehouse


  • Food: Steak
  • Colour: Redish-Orange
  • Animal:Fox
  • Number: ----
  • Holiday: ----
  • Season: Spring
  • Time of Day: Sunrise, Sunset, and afternoon
  • Type of Art: ----
  • Genre of Music: Mincraft disc music
  • Genre of Literature: Fantasy
  • Genre of Shows: Doesn't watch shows
  • Genre of Movies: Doesn't watch movies


  • Is very sweet once you know her
  • She has planted millions of flowers
  • She loves creating art out of nature
  • She loves nature
  • She loves stargazing

【Relationships 】

Character Name

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Character Name

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Character Name

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Character Name

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

Character Name

Describe the relationship your character has with the listed character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in sem magna. Aenean facilisis felis.

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