Aneira Husky



7 years, 2 months ago


She is the living mom of the Husky family and she's really mean like 99% of the time but I guess she kinda is like kinda and caring somewhere in her

tfw her name was suppose to be Celestia Rain

well her maiden name will still be Rain tho

Atlas Husky- just like his small brother, Apollo, he loves to loud, at certain times, he joins in Apollo's singing, but Atlas loves astrology. He loves everything about space and his younger sister, Aurora. 1st child 1:38 AM 4/30/15

Akira Husky- she is the smarts of the family. She's mostly closed off from the rest of the world. 2ndĀ child 1:34 AM 4/30/15

Aurora Husky- acts like the mom, but is childish. She is serious most of the time. 3rd child 4/12/15

Austin Husky- reckless, little asshole, but cute and loves his family and friends, he's actually serious. 4th child 4/12/15

Apollo Husky- The loud one, he loves singing and music. 5th child 1:29 AM 4/30/15

Ava Husky- the youngest and quietest. She's always tired or grumpy. 6th child 1:26 AM 4/30/15

12/16/20 - changed some spelling, yall didnt see nothing

Celestia Rain- the children's mother. 1:49 AM 4/30/15

Adonis Husky- the children's father 2:20 AM 4/30/15