
6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info



birthdate, age:

August 5; 21


Dog, Mixed Breed


Androgyne; she/her, prefers they/them



fur & eye color:

amber; sea-green


Kona's ears, tail, and "tuft" of hair on her head are slightly darker than the rest of her body's fur. She's a bit heavy in the hips and thighs, but is not chubby. Kona usually has a cocky, teasing smirk on her face, like some 90's videogame anthro mascot. (Think Sonic or Busby.) Her palette might be a bit... boring, but she compensates with colorful outfits and accessories. (When she's not nekkid, at least.) In her design, I try to convey a character who's simultaneously laid-back and ready for action.


"What'cha lookin' at?"

If you google image search beach bum, there's a good chance you'll stumble on a selfie of this rude dog. 

There's two sides to Kona—the snappy, tough-as-nails free-thinker; and their truer self, a more mellow and kind-hearted sort who's still got the chutzpah to stand up for her friends. Besides her best buddies, there's nothing Kona loves more than hitting the beach. She doesn't surf, but she's a strong swimmer and loves to look in tide pools. She also enjoys video games, but doesn't consider herself a "gamer" per se. They just like games from their childhood (Pokemon, Kirby, etc.) and the occasional time-killing puzzle game. Kona likes dating sims, too, but they're more of a guilty pleasure. Her favorite music genres are psychedelic rock, shoegaze, and prog, and she also adores Studio Ghibli movies. She's extremely interested in microbiology and entomology, even though she doesn't quite seem like a geeky type.

They're not sure of their breed, and hasn't had the chance to look into their family history; but she suspects she has some Chocolate Lab and Boxer genes.

Her favorite treats are anything cold: ice cream, shaved ice, smoothies, iced coffee, bubble tea, stuff like that.

Kona's outfits nearly always consist of sleeveless shirts or vest-tops paired with short shorts—and of course, a swimsuit underneath. They also love wearing accessories, usually a couple bracelets and a collar or choker. Despite their penchant for dressing "femininely", Kona doesn't exactly feel like she's a woman. . . but she's not a man, either. If asked, they'd say they want to embody the best qualities of men and women without necessarily identifying as either gender.  

∴ Kona's my fursona, and is essentially an idealized version of myself.
∴ She was created in 2012.
∴ "Canonically", Kona is part boxer and choco-lab; but they're unaware of it.

∴ I'd love for her to make friends with other fursona/anthro characters! <3