Basic Info

Age: 1000 years old


Other Bio:

Age: Ancient (Over 1000 years old)

Orientation: Bisexual

Meet the second to last OC of Patrick's cast of friends Ivy! She is a part plant, part Yuan-TI (snake-like creature) who was born into splendor of the finest degree. Ivy had loving parents who doted on her and made sure she had the means to learn about the world around her. What's more, how she got to be part plant is because of the blessing she was given at age of 18. A higher being saw her care for life of her race and nature; asking if she wanted to be part of the world. Ivy agreed allowing them to do so. Now half plant, half Yuan-Ti, she felt more energetic since the blessing also had a added bonus of making her immortal. Ivy was most surprised by this and promised to not abuse her immortality.

As the years passed by for her, she felt a bit sad seeing that her family had passed away. Even their civilization become more shrouded and ancient like her, many wanting to start their own civilizations. And so, Ivy traveled around the world seeking a place to call home. She would help a stranger by giving water she acquired from vines that would come out of her body giving them all the nourishment they needed. It wasn't until the present day that Ivy found a wonderful civilization called Zootopia. Once there, the Yuan-Ti spotted a flower shop that seem very exotic entering inside for a curious peek. Ivy could see the place smelled of flowers and nature all around. A voice called out making her turn her to see a large black tall strong muscular three headed jackal wearing an outfit for the flower shop.

Ivy's eyes at that moment shimmered at seeing this beautiful woman standing before her. The massive jackal smiled at her seeing as both of them were the same height. This would be the best thing in Ivy's life to have ever happened: meeting her loving girlfriend Zahra. The lasses were instantly attracted speaking about their powers and goddess like statuses, appeals to giving life and many other things they discussed. Zahra then offered Ivy the opportunity to work in her flower shop to which she accepted happily.

Over time, the duo grew close allowing the flower shop to flourish ever more! Now where would Patrick and company fit in all this? Well, each of them came and went into the shop seeing that Zahra had a new worker meeting them and getting to know her better. Ivy for Patrick was cute as button seeing how much the little wolf cared for all his friends. Zahra mentioned blueberry inflation making the part plant, part Yuan-Ti blush at the thoughts she had. Ivy had heard of the concept before and inflated many times before meeting her girlfriend. For her, being in contact with blueberry plants helped secrete the juices into her body there by inflating her to a lovely massive blueberry. Zahra caught onto this having Ivy be juiced so that it could be sold fresh on the market with no side effects whatsoever!

Now, Ivy is content with her life having a girlfriend, a place to work and a new found appreciation of life.~

More information about Ivy:
*Ivy's personality is a lot like Zahra's being motherly, affectionate, and sultry.
*Her part plant helps give her more energy and allow plants when ever she touches or connects to them to flourish.
*Her vines appear wherever she wants to them to appear.
*She loves blueberry inflation so much that it rejuvenates her body and scales! Always happy to be hugged by those that need something round to be comforted with.
*Ivy has a lovely set of clothing she wears: her night gown for sexy fun with Zahra, flower shop outfit for work, her sexy dress and garter to show off to her girlfriend and her red spotted fun pjs that are always for friends who are the more wholesome kind.