Sakryyb's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

MisterMuse Global Rules
This ToS applies to any and all characters designed by me and art made by me unless otherwise noted on specific characters. By acquiring my designs/art, you agree to abide this ToS, or else I may blacklist you.

Tracing / Heavy Referencing
Do not trace or heavily reference my work without permission. In the event that I do permit this, you must clearly and openly state that your work is traced/heavily referenced and provide the original piece in a way that links back to my TH/dA (i.e. a page link, not an image link.)

You may slightly edit art made by me of characters that you own. This includes things like hue shifting/filters, adding/removing details like accessories, markings, scars, recropping images, etc. Regardless of edits, I must be credited for the piece. Art you commission from me can be edited to any extent that you like, though credit to me still must remain.

You may reupload my art to sites for storage/display reasons, for example google drive/docs, weebly, wix, toyhouse, etc. This must still provide a link back to my dA or TH. You may not reupload my art to a gallery intended to display art you've made, such as deviantART.

Commercial Usage of Designs
You have permission to use characters you own that I've designed in your commercial works or projects, with credit to me for their creation where relevant/when asked.
Resale of Purchased and Traded Designs
Characters designed by me that are purchased from me for virtual or real currency can be resold for the same price/equivalent they were purchased for (e.g. a $1 character can be resold for 80-100 deviantART points, or any ingame currency that's equivalent to $1) unless value is added to them in the form of art, writing, commissions, real life items, and other similar content specifically made for the character. Purchased characters can also be retraded or regifted freely.

Resale of Free Designs
Characters designed by me that are acquired from me for free can be freely retraded or regifted, but not resold for any form of currency unless value is added to them in the form of art, writing, commissions, real life items, and other similar content specifically made for the character.
If you are no longer interested in a character received for free, you may also offer them back to me.

All characters designed by me can be freely changed in any way, be it design, information, name, etc.

Characters designed by me should not be recreated slightly to the left. Using palettes and drawing inspiration is fine, but don't change the hair on a design slightly and say it's separate.

Characters designed by me can be used for breeding at your leisure, but mind the cloning rule. Offspring should not be a clone of the character I designed.

Custom Species
Characters designed by me can be turned into closed/open/what-have-you species at your leisure.

NSFW/Other sensitive content
The design is in your hands, I have no interest in policing what you choose to do with it in this regard.

You may not add additional rules to a design made by me. It's my design, so my ToS and rules apply to it.

I will not be doing business with these people, and would prefer they not be given my designs if possible. This list is only public to be able to reference names for the purpose of character transfers, not for you to bother them; harassment of these users via finding them from this list will result in you being blacklisted as well.