[TBN] former atrauéti empress



3 years, 4 months ago


In life, Sovereign of the ancient atrauéti empire during an ancient age in which it collapsed into civil war and suffering. Bereft of political power and little more than a figurehead, she could do naught but watch as dukedoms and principalities rekindled ancient grudges and the atrauéti took up arms against each other. She eventually snuck off the besieged imperial throneworld in an attempt to rally the other First-Awoken civilizations to intervene and bring an end to the hostilities, but her starship was shot down and she was murdered by a notorious merfolk marauder.

As is the birthright of the atrauéti, her soul passed not into the maw of oblivion but was instead reborn in the ethereal realms at Deaths' Margin, a redoubt and refuge for those mortal souls seeking to join the tianhunren in their war of light and darkness, living the life that was cruelly denied to them, or otherwise hanging on to existence for as long as possible before the inevitable arrival of oblivion's implacable reapers. She found herself confused and lost, but her memories of mortal life quickly reformed themselves, and she found renewed purpose for a while fighting in battle along other warrior-souls led by the jǫrmunalfr.

Eventually, she realized the the empire she had once, briefly ruled was undergoing internal turmoil and political convulsions all too familiar to her, although in the context of a very different day and age. She took leave of the celestial fighting and descended back to the physical world, joining forces with an ershizu adventurer in order to try and forestall another collapse. The two of them eventually uncovered a scheme by a heiyao who had eaten the soul of the Chancellor at the time and possessed his body to instigate a new war, and managed to put it down before its plans could come to fruition.

Since that time she has taken up a role as an advisor of sorts to atrauéti Sovereigns and other rulers across the millennia, sharing with them both her wisdom and that of those other Sovereigns that preceded and followed her. She is, for various reasons, unable to discuss the nature of Deaths' Margin, the fate of other souls in it, or the affairs of the tianhunren, but if the need for knowledge is genuine and the answers are attainable in the mortal realm, she may help one find them for themselves.

During her brief mortal life one of her passions was collecting and caring for small creatures of all sorts, and her coronation gift was an enormous menagerie in the form of an exquisitely designed botanical reserve. This menagerie was unfortunately plundered and destroyed during the atrauéti civil war, but has since been rebuilt, and she often holds court with living atrauéti within its many pavilions or greenhouses. More generally, she goes wherever she pleases as one of the very few former atrauéti Sovereigns to have returned to the physical universe, and it is not particularly unexpected for her to show up in the midst of top-secret military installations, research labs, ancient archives, royal tomb gardens, celestial tithing shrines, palaces, or any other location that might pique her interest.

Her friendship with certain baishouren (guardians of the natural order) has conferred upon her the ability to command the respect of monstrous wild yeguai of many sorts, and she has befriended many beasts which would otherwise have been the bane of mortals even to this day. As for her murderer, he eventually met a grisly and rather inexplicable end at the claws of a fearsome ocean creature; she insists to this day that this was sheer coincidence.