Lóng yì



3 years, 5 days ago

Basic Info

Crystal [ Location ]

Chalcedony [ Right Arm ]

Animal Spirit

[ pending ]


Like Mimi, Lóng yì was a childhood friend Re, who trained hard to be a Knight and later betrothed.

Being only Half-Crystalian, he received many small Chalcedony Crystals at birth instead of one strong piece, meaning he had to work extra hard to prove himself. Even making a Spirit Pact in secret to help his skills improve.

Thinking he died protecting Re's life, her parents never blamed him for what happened to the kingdom and considered him a hero in his help Crystalizing the kingdom. It wasn't until much later that Re discovered that the evil being had taken hold of Lóng's body for itself.

NOTE: I'm still unsure if Lóng yì will make it out alive in this story but he is no longer Re's lover and she will at some point end up with my Fiance's OC, Thefft.