Angel Aura Quartz



6 years, 10 months ago


Angel is a brave, determined gem. Seeing as she's one of the few Aura Quartz left that have a stable mental thought process. She's constantly scared and stressed, but she does her best to hide it. She's a risk taker, especially when it comes to things she wants to find out. Cracking doesn't scare her, as she knows Bird and Birdie would be in safe hands if she were to shatter or corrupt herself.

  • Her mouth and tongue are blue.
  • Her hair is always covering her right eye.
  • Is known to be a thief.

Angel was created to fill both the positions of a Ruby and a Pearl. Eventually, Pink Diamond decided that the Angel Aura Quartz were better being sent to Earth, pre-corruption song. They were dumped without a specific location in mind, thus left to wander around with their own devices. Unbeknownst to them, they were only placed on Earth because there was a war going on, and the Angel Aura Quartzes were not to return to Homeworld.

Soon, Angel found an Abandoned Kindergarten and decided to camp out in one of the exit holes while she waited for the diamonds to send someone to pick her up again. Fortunately for Angel, she was saved from the corruption by being deep within the Earth's crust.

After a while, she became tired of waiting, so she decided to take matters into her own hands and go look for a Homeworld Earth base; so that she can send a message to Homeworld and hopefully get someone to come to pick her up.