


3 years, 25 days ago


T'dish Doppio
maned lioness
The Comfort
Now, how are we doing today, really?

Sworn to her species' oath of never doing harm, T'dish has dedicated the majority of her life towards delivering peace and soundness of the mind to all those in her wake. Make no mistake, she isn't afraid to state the hard facts and get you to face them. Rest assured she always means well and wants what's best, even if the journey is...less than comfortable. Progress isn't always easy.


T'dish is, at a glance, very feline. And that would be an accurate first impression, of course!

Covered in velvety brown fur, much like a Bombay of Earth, she is very well groomed and beginning to gray on her muzzle, mane, ears and the tips of her tail and hands. Her mane is swept back and does not wrap fully around her neck, almost like a mullet (but please don't say that to her face). Darker brown fur lines the insides of her ears, brows and the tip of her tail. Her nose is dark brown, but her paw pads and tongue are a deep pink. T'dish has large, saucer eyes in a rich shade of honey yellow and orange, though they are typically lazily half-lidded. Two fangs peek out of her short snout at all times, and jagged gray whiskers poke out of her face in every which direction.

It is very, very difficult to get her into a proper uniform and she's seemed to have found a loophole in the fact that she operates as her own consulting office. Thus, she does not typically don federation standard dress, and opts for a comfortable and cutesy cafe dress with pearl buttons and a pretty pink bow tied around her neck.


T'dish is very experienced in her field, reaching the higher end of her species' lifetimes. As such, she is firm and blunt but kind, happy to tell you the truth without much sugar to help it go down. She will stand her ground, and is the stalwart sort that will also stand up and advocate for others when needed while knowing when the time is right to step aside. Doesn't ask for much and enjoys the calmer things in this life. What few demands she has are for people to listen to her and take care of themselves, and is adamant she understands the best path to ease. Won't hold your hand the whole way there, and might shed some tears when you let go, but she'll cheer you on the whole way.

Her age has given her an intense cattiness, and it's as difficult to discipline her as it is to get her into a uniform. Complaints are met with a sly smirk and a half-lidded gaze - she simply hasn't the time to worry about what others think of her anymore. Is a great teacher in the subtle art of not really giving a shit. Grandma knows the best gossip - don't think too hard about where she got it!


As is Caitian tradition, T'dish took an oath of non-violence when she reached adulthood. She swore to her kind, her planet and the universe at large that she, to the very best of her ability, would not commit acts of violence in any harm against any individual. T'dish is a staunch pacifist and refuses to involve herself in conflict in any way other than resolving it. Granted, she understands also that this is a complicated stance at times - and leaves much of it to those better equipped than herself.

Her upstanding reputation was what landed her on the Atta, where she now has no plans of leaving. She has found that she practies here better than she ever has, and is delighted to be surrounded by such a talented crew. Starting to get a bit old to go on field trips, she'll often have others pick up her orders of coffee and similar alien drinks to bring back aboard - then chat their ear off when they come to see her.


  • Absolutely loves coffee, and is quite knowledgable in all aspects of it. Drinks decaf purely for the fact that caffeine makes her sick...
  • Typically strongly smells like coffee, also.
  • Has a hard time getting started in the morning, and is happy to have an assistant better suited to the early tasks.
  • While having a fantastic sense of hearing despite her age, she fears she may need to get glasses soon.
  • She owns a horrible little beast that she keeps as an office pet. Takes extremely good care of it, but it frightens most people. Looks like a fucked up miniature parrot-sized azhdarchid. Taught it to speak and will often ask guests for help because it's stuck in the body of a bird. T'dish thinks this is unbelievably funny.

Axis - Absolutely delighted by her and was the spearhead of her recovery process. Finds her to be a deeply professional and comforting woman that she is honored to work alongside and teach the ropes. Will, one day, give the whole office to her - though, no time soon. Glad to have such great help and considers her as a good a therapist as herself, trusts her endlessly - enough so to give her all the juiciest of gossip she finds out. Truly couldn't sing enough praise for her - even if she snickers when her bird scares her half to death.


Jack Stauber ‐ Coffee