Etsuko's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

VictoryDrawsStuff Global Rules


Please read the Terms of Service before owning any characters designed by me (obtained via raffles or characters / designs obtained via trade / purchase) !


By owning a design created by me, user VictoryDrawsStuff ("the Designer / Artist"), you ("the Owner") affirm to have read and agree to follow the Terms of Service listed below when owning a character design made by me.

Failure to abide by the Terms of Service (TOS) may result in a blacklist and/or a public service announcement (PSA).

Note that Terms of Use may be subject to change without prior notice, though exceptions may be made.

These Terms of Use are in effect and up to date as of FEBRUARY 10TH (02/10/2024) .



-RPS (Roleplays) 

-Personal Projects 


-Generally, do whatever you the Owner wants to do with the character- As the design is yours.

-Commercial Usage (Making physical merch / products to sell, Vtuber / Streaming / Etc , anything that is using my design for monetary gain)

NOTE: You can only use my designs for commercial usage if you have paid a commercial fee (can be negotiated) , included in the price or not.



-Promoting hate speech, propaganda , bigotry, offensive or otherwise  problematic views (such as, but not limited to: pedophilia, zoophilia, etc.)

-Any blockchain technology including but not limited to NFTS, cryptocurrency, etc.

-Train AIs and/or generate AI-created artwork(s).




1. The Terms of Service only affect an owner after it has taken effect. Edits made to the TOS do not affect any owners of designs made BEFORE the edit date. (EX: Edits to the TOS made on May 2nd do not affect any owners of my designs made before May 2nd, but affect owners of designs made after May 2nd)

1.5. You may make both major and minor edits to the design/ redesigns. Any redesigns do not need explicit permission from me, though asking is appreciated.

2. You may regift , retrade, or resell the commissioned design made. If the design is not a custom commission, the Owner can only trade or resell if Additional Value (trades, commissions, personal art) has been added. Free / Gifted Art (Art in which the Owner does not give anything in exchange, this includes art from Art Fight or similar events.) does NOT count as additional value. Additional value must be added to the character gallery.

3. You may only resell the design for the same price as bought / commissioned for UNLESS additional value is added and is in the character gallery (via bought commissions, you’re own art, etc) . 

4. You can use the design for personal/ non-commercial use only UNLESS the Owner has discussed commercial usage with the Designer and has paid the required fees for commercial usage.

5. You may not claim the original design as your own nor claim any of the original artwork(s) as your own work.

6. You may not make any edits to the original artwork. Redesign are still okay in this case as long as you do not draw over / edit  my artwork. (Art drawn by me, VictoryDrawsStuff )

7. Uploading the art off-site is allowed. When uploading the original artwork off-site, credit to the Designer (VictoryDrawsStuff) must be provided; do credit me with the proper usernames based on which social you are posting on: 

(Twitter: @VictoryDraws, Blue Sky: VictoryDrawsStuff , VictoryDrawsStuff )

8. I only claim ownership of the original design concept/ execution. I do not claim ownership to any redesigns and/or the character/ associated character of the design.

9. I acknowledge that once a design is owned by the Owner, the design/ character no longer belongs to me. I also cannot “claim back” a design.

10. I may use the commissioned or traded design as commission examples on this site and/or post it on my social media . Posted work will be covered with a watermark. The client will receive a version of the art with and without the watermark. 

10.5. The owner must communicate to me if they do not want the design to be used as a commission example / posted on social media. . Failure to communicate that I cannot use the design as an commission example / post on social media will result in me automatically assuming I can use the design for said purposes.

11. You are allowed to convert the design to a Closed Species (CS) , so long as it is an existing CS.. I cannot add CS traits as of this TOS being effective, though you are allowed to commission / work with other artists for that purpose.

12. For creating a CS using one of my designs, please discuss with me beforehand.