Casper Gracey



3 years, 4 months ago


Basic Info
Name Casper Gracey
Nickname Cass
Age 30
Birthday October 30
Height/Weight 6'1 | 170 lbs
Gender Cis Male
Species Chandelure
Characteristic Loves to Eat
Nature Quirky
Type Ghost/Fire
Orientation Demisexual
Weapon CandleStick
Status Single
Ability Flame Body
  • Sweets
  • Ghost/Horror Stories
  • Tea
  • His Will-O-Wisps
  • Messiness
  • Rain
  • Nosy people
  • Content
  • Has been a doctor for a number of years, thankfully fulfilled his residency before the outbreak
  • Has named the wisps that constantly follow him, currently they are named: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde
  • His wisps are like his babies, and tends to care more about them than his own wellbeing.
  • Secondary Weapon is a knife
  • Will-O-Wisp | (Fire) | 15- In this move, Casper causes a curse upon the target with one his wisps burning them/following them around for awhile--one that will last until the traget somehow manages to heal themselves or after a certain time has passed
  • Shadow Ball | (Ghost) | 15- Casper throws a energy ball made out of both wisps and energy towards his target
  • Fire Spin | (Fire) | 15 - Traps the target in a pillar of fire for about three-five minutes.
  • Ember | (Fire) | 25 - a small wisp tackles his target, possibly leaving a burn
  • Agriculture: 0/10
  • Navigation: 0/10
  • Crafting: 0/10
  • Scavenging: 0/10
  • Outdoorsmanship: 0/10
  • Investigation: 3/10
  • Marksmanship: 0/10
  • Hunting/Trapping: 0/10
  • Intuition: 0/10
  • Endurance/Stamina: 0/10
  • Stealth: 0/10
  • Science: 5/10
  • Communication: 0/10
  • Morale: 0/10
  • Medicine/Herbalism: 5/10
  • Athleticism: 0/10
  • Speed: 0/10
  • Dextrity: 0/10
  • Intelligence: 2/10
  • Intimidation: 0/10
Intelligent | Responsible | Confident | Alert | Neat | Blunt | Picky | Aloof

Casper is known to be a responsible and intelligent young man, known to keep his priorities straight--whenever they be his duties as a doctor or in his personal life. He is confident in his abilities as a doctor, and as such tries hard into doing a good--if not perfect--work for handling and taking care of his patients. He also tends to be neat, and likes to keeps things organgized--whenever it be with his notes for his patients, or keeping his house clean. He also tends to be alert when it comes to his surroundings, and likes to keep note of his surroundings and the people around him.

However, he is also known to be very blunt and straight to the point when he talks or wants something done. He is also known to be picky when it comes to things like food and clothing, even people he associates with and can be very aloof whenever he meets anyone, even if he's comfortable around them, he can still be distant to them it appears. Despite these negative traits he has, it does care about others deep down, even if he never admits it out loud.


Trigger Warnings: Death of a parent

Casper was born and raised in a small but tight knit community in Maryland, and was raised by two loving parents. However, as much as his parents doted on him, his small family were more concerned over his mother's, Natalie, health as after she gave birth to Casper that she grew very weak and was often in and out of the hospital. She grew weaker and weaker as years passed by and Casper grew older, but despite her ongoing battle, she still tried to be apart of Casper's life--encouraging him and loving him on the sidelines of life. It wasn't until Casper was well into his teens that his mother's ongoing battle with her health that she lost her battle. Afterwards, Casper decided that with his grades, he could try going to a well-known college to try to become a doctor, one better than what his mother had so he could help heal people like her.

Thankfully, and luckily for him, he was accepted into Duke University in North Carolina and had gone there to attend their medical practice for the next few years. He then started his residency in a hospital located in Virgina, however--soon after he finished his residency and was a licensed doctor that the outbreak started to occur around the world. Thankfully, he managed to survive for so long due to his ghostly powers and luck. He roamed around the country--gathering supplies and helping anyone who was either injured or in need of help. However, as the years went by and the survivors become more and more violent due to survival, Casper stopped offering his duties as a doctor unless he trusted them not to ambush him.

It wasn't until a few months later, that he heard rumors of Arizona being a sort of haven to go too. Despite it being fishy to go to--but he decided to go to Arizona. Making his way towards the state, he finally made his way over to Arizona, finding a decent place to stay at, and deciding to stay over until something occurs next.

Name | Relationship

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Name | Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.

Name | Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.