


3 years, 1 month ago



Ultimate Lorekeeper

  • Name Siren
  • Age ???
  • Height 5'3"
  • Relationship Status Single
  • Occupation Unemployed
  • Nationality "Ocean"
  • Sexuality Unknown
  • Voice Claim TBU
  • Personality

    She may have a ditzy air and a glaze over her eyes, but this one's sharper than you think...most of the time. She has no other ambitions other than expanding her mental treasure trove of legends and pursuing myths across the globe to find out what's truly real and what's been made up by the human mind. She can be a little pestery, especially when she really wants something, but it's all for a good cause- her own personal benefits!

    Art by: BitsAndBees

  • Appearance


  • Likes Rain Over the Ocean, Shells With a Holo Glow, Hermit Crabs, Blue Whales, Unsolved Crime Shows
  • Dislikes Coconut Crabs, Deserts, Blizzards, Strobing Lights, Giant Squids
  • Backstory

    A record keeper who left home to pursue her runaway older sister. She had planned on just a quick visit upon reuniting, but she came to quickly grow jealous of her sister's living conditions. Why does she get to have man slaves who give her nice things and do her bidding? ...Boyfriends? Well how on Earth does she get those then?!

  • Trivia
    • ● Her all time favorite legends revolve around both the loch ness monster and mermaids, anything involving the ocean in general has her heart
    • ● The reason she hates giant squids and squids in general is solely because of their eyes. They freak her the fuck out more than anything else
  • Nozomi Older Sister


  • None N/A

    Nope Nope

profile html by Hukiolukio