


3 years, 4 months ago


Azrath is one of the higher Archdemons (pure demon from Hell unlike people who gave up their humanity and turned into lesser demons) that make mischief in the land. Corrupting any soul or heart by bribing them with what they want; never fulfilling his part of the bargain. Usually manipulating sorrow and despair against them.
A trickster and shapeshifter with many forms; in all of them wearing his skull mask as nobody knows how he looks beneath it. When confronted he usually laughs and scoffs at his enemies, as he is a proud yet very cowardly; sending his minions and buying himself time that he escapes from the scene.
In his eyes, his life is of highest of value as he will even rat away even his closest friends to save himself.
People tell stories to their children about him; as well guard them by burning incense in their room of lavender that he stays out (as it is purifying ritual in most of Sulanor).