


3 years, 1 month ago


Slight gore warning!

Story summary: He was born into royalty. The first born was male, the second female, then there was him as the third born, and later on a fourth born female. His beauty was that to be envied and his parents fawned over him endlessly. Any achievements he accomplished were highly praised and his beauty mentioned at every corner. 

His older sister grew fiercely jealous of the attention he garnered at every corner, of the love their parents would show to him and not to her, and when she was seventeen and he fourteen she decided that she would end her despair. Luring him kindly off the grounds of the kingdom and into the forbidden lands towards a gorgeous lake of acid water, she beat him and forced his hand into the lake, the acid melting his flesh as she reveled in his screams of pain. Her plan was to slowly submerge him in the water so that he would suffer before death, but as the hand became bone and his cries silenced from the sheer pain, something changed. 

A voice spoke to him in the safety of his mind.
It promised his safety in exchange for part of his soul and his servitude. 

Having no time to mule this offer over and wanting to live he accepted. The pain vanished as his body was consumed by blue flames. His hand that was now bones melded back together rather than falling apart, yet flesh never regrew. Those that held him down, his sister and her guard, were burned alive by the flames that protected him. Their screams silenced in seconds before their bodies became charred. 

When he came to he knew something was off about himself, other than his hand, but he could not place what it was. The being that offered their assistance, unbeknown to him, ate the part of his soul that harbored sympathy. He could feel nothing upon staring at the remains of his sister. 

....(still writing, and this is just a quick-ish summary)