Sally Quincey



6 years, 10 months ago


Sally Quincey • 21 Years Old (Human Years) • Female • Cat • Pansexual

You can count on Sally to brighten up your day and let your worries fall off your back for an afternoon, this extroverted and sweet cat is the local neighborhood's friend.

She can talk for hours, she can bake many delicious goodies like cakes, cupcakes, cookies, pies, bread and much more, and is an overall fun and loving cat, you could never be able to tell how much she's actually struggling inside, Sally's gotten good at hiding her turbulent past under a smile, suffering from many losses early on in her life and having to be raised by her siblings is far from ideal but she makes it work, she's in a better place now with better people so this shouldn't bother her right? 

Something feels very off and she can feel it, all she can do for now is smile and go with the flow of things.


Relationships (From Sally's perspective):


"Oh that's my brother! He took care of me all my life, I've got a lot to thank him but I do worry about his science thing, I know it's his passion but I'm afraid he might go too far and get himself in trouble ... If he isn't already! Other than that, yeah he's cool but can be really annoying, don't tell him I said that tho haha!"


"Poor Alice used to live with such horrible people, I just had to step in and do something about it! So we ran off started living together here, I swear it's platonic!! Or at least I think it is ... just don't pry about it! Alice is figuring stuff about herself and I guess I'm just as much... I talked too much!!"


"Ash is cool! Whenever she comes over she rambles on and on about whatever recent book she's reading while I bake something, I'm not much one for reading but the way she describes everything sounds so fun!"


"Kort!! He's my guy! I love just messing around with him, yeah he's very busy with fussy royalty stuff or whatever but whenever he's free we like to get a little silly hah!"


"Marjorie looked like she was going to be hard to befriend but she was oddly drawn to me, I became her friend in no-time! But she's hard to really hang OUT with, she doesn't like the sun or heat, she usually hates talking to people, she's stuck home all day and she's very awkward to talk to, but no matter, I can see she's having a hard time and I'll do what I can to make whatever burden she's carrying a little easier to do so!" 


She's 5'2" , physical appearance is mostly average with thicker legs

Her favourite thing to bake is Bubble Bread!

She first learned baking when her older sister tried to teach her how to bake a cake, but she messed it up and Sally became determined to bake a actual good cake, it took her a while but with her siblings' encouragement she finally did it! She loved the process and sharing the food with the ones she loved made her grow a deep passion for baking

Sally's hair is actually dyed!