Lady Castell



6 years, 10 months ago


Ruler of the eastern edge of the Morsby Mountains, the rolling hills past, and of the spindly coasts running alongside. I don't have enough bs place names for filling out all this yet, oops - it doesn't matter overmuch, I'm not actually here to write royalty succession plots I'm just putting up some minor characters!! She normally styles her hair such that you can't see her ears, because otherwise quite a few people would get in a spot of trouble over that 'why are the human lord and lady's child a half-elf?' thing.

Silica Castell is the daughter of Guelhenthart Tathviel, a fact that would have remained largely irrelevant to her if not for the terrible fate that would befall the Tathviel line. Once upon a time, a famous cartographer stayed for a while at a drafty keep, and one night, the lady presiding came to him with a request...

...Silica's mother received news, one day, that a dear old friend of hers was gravely ill, and undertook to visit the man with her daughter in tow. It was as a grown woman Silica finally met her real father, and only as he lay upon his deathbed. He looked... small. So many of the mysteries and secrets of her early life were pinned on this man, and here he was, as merely a withered shade.