Jennifer ♡



3 years, 1 month ago


💎 Jennifer 💎


Mixed Species





Jennifer is an aspiring model with big dreams and an even bigger pretentious attitude. To her, she’s a sparkling, glittery star and the center of the whole universe- and you better not disagree. She may not be rich or famous, but she sure acts like it. She always wears eye-catching high-end outfits and spends her days shopping, then parties the night away. Jennifer is BB’s girlfriend, and damn those two are crazy about each other <3 Underneath all the sparkles and all that attitude, Jennifer is really just your typical ditzy blonde girl 💁‍♀️✨

SKIN- sky blue with yellow and dark blue patterning
HAIR- long and silky, blonde (sometimes has pink highlights)
EYES- pink

BODY DESCRIPTION- She’s pretty tall (almost 6’ in heels) and and thin but has got some curves too 😛. She has a long tail kind of like that of a lion.
CLOTHING PREFERENCES- Jennifer always tries to be as fashionable as possible and loves to flaunt her femininity through her clothes, which can be pretty diverse. Tight crop tops and jeans suffice for a simple casual look, but her favorite outfits have a lot more pizazz to them. She loves jackets and dresses with all sorts of fun details, like glitter, rhinestones, frills and fringe; these often get paired with equally eye-catching heels and boots. Her style often reflects the pop and sparkle of the 1980’s, sometimes to the point where she looks like she belongs onstage with Madonna or something. Jennifer also enhances her looks with lots of makeup (look at those killer eyelashes).

DESIGN NOTES- Most of her body is smooth skin, with fluffier fur bits on her cheeks, inner ears, and the tips of her ears/tail. I’m also crazy inconsistent with her details lol so if you’re drawing her dw about missing a minute detail. Also uh istg her boobas aren’t supposed to be so big (I imagine her as having a smaller chest and larger thighs but alas I can’t draw women very well :sob: I’m sorry they always just come out lookin like that).

BASIC TRAITS- materialistic, beguiling, pretentious, playful, talkative, frequent complainer, typical ditzy blonde, “independent” (or so she thinks)
      First things first: Jennifer just loves Jennifer. Yeah, she genuinely feels like the world revolves around her and that she can do whatever she wants whenever she chooses. According to her, she’s just waaay too pretty for anyone to tell her no. She loves using her looks as a way to toy with people; she’ll tease a boy just enough to get what she wants out of him, then leave him hanging. By the way, what Jennifer usually wants is money. She’s crazy materialistic; we’re talking glamorous clothes, sparkly jewelry and skin/hair care products by the dozen. She’s always gotta have the newest, shiniest stuff.
      Jennifer claims to be self-sufficient and independent, but small-scale modeling gigs don’t pay the bills and she’s honestly not particularly bright either. When she can’t figure something out or is bothered by something, she’ll usually just complain until her boyfriend fixes it. Socially, Jennifer doesn’t keep anything in. She’s very chatty (often not thinking before she says things lol) and outwardly expresses whatever emotion she’s feeling. She’s very easy to read and can be easily convinced of anything. She’s also known to hold stupid grudges and get mad over shit that doesn’t matter. Jennifer when she’s happy is kind of like a little puppy dog: cheery, playful, and kinda dumb but in a cute way :3

LIKES- the beach, Starbucks, music she can dance to, fresh air, fruity cocktails, anything sparkly and glamorous, rom-com films, kisses <3
DISLIKES- being cooped up inside for too long, rain & mud, cooking, being ignored, large/heavy meals, spicy food

HOBBIES & SKILLS- A certified shopaholic, Jennifer spends a lot of time exploring malls and department stores looking to buy new clothes, jewelry and other commodities. By night, she’s one wild party animal that’s sure to always make her presence known on the dance floor. She has very active socials filled with both casual selfies and professional photoshoots she’s modeled for (she also wishes to become TikTok famous because of course she does). She enjoys hanging out on the beach, either to swim/jog or just to sit and look pretty. Jennifer loves spending time with BB, often joining him for rides in his car and visiting him at work (and uh doing other stuff too lol ;3).

  • Jennifer is anatomically mostly human except for her obvious cat-like features (inherited from her mother) and her brightly colored skin (inherited from her father).
  • She doesn't have her own car and either uses her dad's car to get around (she miraculously hasn't wrecked it yet) or has BB drive her.
  • She says “oh my” and “ooOOoh baby” all the time and “like” is, like, one of her most used words.
  • She loves fruity little frozen mixed drinks but has a stupid low tolerance to alcohol (she gets totally shitfaced really quick, then she becomes BB’s problem lol)
  • Her favorite holiday is Christmas not because she loves the “Christmas spirit” or whatever but rather because she just likes getting new stuff lol
  • One of the reasons she loves the beach is that she gets to wear any of her many revealing swimsuits. She also sometimes plays beach volleyball with some of my other characters (and she’s quite good at it)

Jennifer met BB while she was shopping for clothes (of course) and similarly to him, she didn’t think anything serious would form between the two of them… but now she can’t live without him! He shows her all the love in the world and takes her to places she couldn't get to alone. Something about putting two of the most insufferably stuck-up personalities together just clicked, and they feel like they can take over the world when they’re together.