Dorothea Hatter



3 years, 17 days ago


Name Dorothea Hatter

Age 14

Birthday 12.9.06

Star Sign Sagittarius

Pronouns any

Height 5'1''

House Amira

Orientation Demiromantic

Occupation World-Hopper


  • berets
  • dying her hair
  • angel's food cake

  • red
  • reading
  • card games

  • sewing
  • baking
  • window shopping
I'm gonna go to Maldonia and eat scotch.

Unlike most of her peers, Dorothea Aphelion Hightopp Hatter did not grow up within the Mortal Realm. Truthfully, it would've been quite odd for her to do so, seeing as that she is descended from Queen Mirana, and her grandmother is from the Grimm Realm. Tea grew up with her extensive family within the Tulgey Wood within the Hatter's Cottage. Although her family was extensive, with being related to the Marmoreals and the Hatters, she only lived with her father, mother, Harper, Darwin, and Evander. Astrid, Atticus, Tarah, and Espen had moved out of the cottage before she was born, and some other siblings resided within the Mortal Realm. Not that Tea knew this, of course.

In addition to taking care of her daughter, Illyria was also a member of the Mediators of Madness, a group of people who wanted to see the end of the Wonderlandian War. This group consisted of Alice, Serendipity, Corbin, Llewelyn, Hatter, Astrid, Atticus, Espen, Harper, and Illyria. Unfortunately, the group fell apart after one practicular mission to the Scarlet Kingdom - one that left Tea without a mother and Alice rumoured to be a cold-blooded murderer. Following Illyria's beheading, the Ivory Kingdom mourned, as well as the Tulgey Wood. Ivy and Hatter's relationship was never the same, the only thing keeping them civil to each other now gone.

With her mother dead, Tea became distraught, often visiting her mother's headstone to talk to her. Meanwhile, Ivy and Hatter fought over custody, as well as the topic of her schooling. Ivy wanted to take her granddaughter under her wing to teach her the knowledge she hadn't learned about living at Ivory Court, while Hatter wanted to keep Tea close, to prevent her from meeting the same fate as her mother. Eventually, the two agreed to fulfill one of Illyria's last wishes: to send her daughter to Grimm Academy, a school in the Golden Realm meant for the descendants of the Epics - Tea included.

At first, Tea was reluctant to attend school, feeling as if she was abandoning the memory of her mother by leaving Wonderland. However, her grandmother and father were insistent on fulfuilling Illyria's last wish, the former more so than the latter. Despite this, Tea was able to put off her admittance to the academy for almost four months, until her family finally but their foot down and sent her to the school on March 3rd. Living in the Queen of Hearts Cottage, especially when a child of the Queen of Hearts had been claimed, was uncomfortable for Tea, and she moved in with her friend, Lola Amets. However, the two had a disagreement, causing her to then move into the Aurora Cottage. After visiting her mother on July 10th, Illyria's birthday, Tea finally decided to let go of the past completely and move on, moving back into the Queen of Hearts Cottage.

Unfortunately, later that day, the school was attacked and taken over by Maleficent. While many of her peers decided to flee to Cinderella's Opaline Palace, Tea decided to return to Wonderland to spend some much-needed time with her family. It was not as if she would be missing any classes, either, as the faculty were occupied with other things than to host a class in the middle of a school takeover. Six days later, Tea was fated to become a World-Hopper. First destination? France.

Tea and Elio's first meeting was a rather unusual one, as she ran into the greenhouse from the gardens to avoid the rain. However, another person was also in the greenhouse with them - Reilly. The two narrowly avoided being killed by Reilly's Wither Incantation, and have since become... something. Their relationship can't simply be described as friends.

After nearly falling off a tree, the two formed an unlikely friendship, one that would ultimately come in handy to Tea, as the two lived together for a time as the legacy of Mirana was hiding out from her former cottage's heiress - a daughter of the Queen of Hearts. All in all, the two are on good terms.

Lola Amets Budding Friends

The two were quick to become friends, laughing and dancing together. Unbeknownst to Tea, the daughter of Cinderella often saw similarities in the younger girl that she likened to her girlfriend in the Mortal Realm, Dawn. One day, she accidentally let this slip, and Tea stormed out on her. They have since agreed to start over.