
3 years, 29 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
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Emma *insert the last name because I really don't care*

age: 35-37 [we on that milf game fr]

height: 5'5-5'6

lazy description; Emma is an Irish woman who has a knack for bad movies and alien/ stoner memorabilia [she is a huge conspiracist stoner herself]. She once was a teen prostitute and heavy drug user but got clean when she was 27, and has now settled down someplace in America within a boring suburb. She is still quite a sex fiend and has most definitely fucked your mother. multiple times. anyway, she has never had a serious/romantic relationship and has no interest to have one, and her only friend is a life-size realistic alien doll named Vito Corleone. she absolutely cannot take anything seriously, and so she can come off as extremely insensitive [she is self-aware about this, but she doesn't care lol], she is also an alcoholic (Irish blood, innit?)and has a steadily growing obsession over nick cage. [her art is very old, and some are not quite accurate to her personality, but i greatly apricate all art she gets and will try to upload all of it. i also do not have all the credits to the artist as alot of her art is rather old, but i will try my best to find it, and if you know what the artist is, PLEASE lmk!!]