


3 years, 1 month ago


My old warrior cats oc

Below info is from a now deleted roleplay discord server

Name: corruptkit, corruptpaw, corruptheart

Clan : bloodclan   (used to be thunderclan 

Rank: kit

Gender: Tom 

Faith: complicated

(He acknowledges starclan exists but he believes they are ‘false deities’, are ‘using him as entertainment’ and are ‘seeing how much a kit can take before they snap’)


he is aggressive and angry/grumpy but is very sad and lonely, he only shows this to cats he trusts/is friends with. He will often start fights he can’t/ is unlikely to win and will try to ignore or hide any wounds he gets from these fights. He believes he won’t live long enough to become an apprentice because of how thunderclan treated him as well as his aggression. He often seems a bit mad. He will often put his paw on yoyo's collar to try and calm himself down. He wanders a lot.


nobody knows who his parents are, he was disliked by thunderclan and was treated like an outcast. He’s angry and unhappy about his life and takes it out on other cats, bullying other kits and picking fights with warriors. He is often called a rat, due to his aggressive nature, scruffy black fur and the hatred he receives from his clanmates. He often doubts that he will live long enough to become an apprentice and especially not a warrior because of his habitat to start fights he is unlikely to win, he also is scared of a lack of prey, because his clanmates hatred has convinced him that if there wasn’t enough food they would just let him starve. He is very lonely. He joined bloodclan because of yoyo. Yoyo died and he took yoyo's collar. He made friends with a skyclan kit who he agreed to meet, but they never showed up. He now hates skyclan for this. He almost died to a fight with a skyclan warrior, after that fight (after he had been healed enough to not be almost dying) he got a sign from starclan which is when he fully believed that they are ‘false deities’


He got the scar on his left cheek during a fight with a bloodclan warrior. 

He got the large scar on his right side from a fight with a raccoon.

He got the scars on his back legs, back, underside and left side during a fight with a skyclan warrior.

Stories (not all)