Jadoo's Comments

Heya, would u be interested in someone from _Trashmouth_Sales_ for this cutie, 



And https://toyhou.se/10923841.adopt by any chance? ♥️

Thank u so much in advance, I look forward to hearing from u! 

I hope, u have a wonderful day ♥️

all are available, I accept points, USD, art or exchange for them ^^ 💖

How much art would we be talking? ^^'

Bueno, para el unicornio tienes un sb de 200 puntos o 2USD, el venado también y por el último puedes ofrecer lo que quieras ^^

I'm very sorry but I don't speak Spanish hh

I translated it and judging off of what the translater gave me to work with, it says that the unicorn and Faun are worth $2 each and the other is whatever I want (like pwyw or something like that) 

Depending on this, that'd be about one headshot cause my headshots are priced at 5€-7€ depending on design complexity

can I see samples of your art?  What if I take a bust like the ab of the first and two exchanges for the other two characters?

I don't speak much English either but I communicate with a translator xD

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