Satircore's Comments

hi would u mayb look at offers??

as for a corny joke:

a bear walks into the bar and says to the bartender, "can i have a ..................................................... beer?" and the bartender says, "why the big pause?" so the bear says "i was just born with them"

I'll enter!

What do you call a fly with no wings? A walk

faved + entered

and for a corny joke uhhh

I once ate hair dye and went to the doctors. He said I was fine but I felt like I was dyeing inside 

Entering and subbed!

What's brown and sticky? ...a stick.

why did the scarecrow get a phd?
because it was out-standing in its field 

subscribed as well
Why did the bike fall over? because it was too TIRED hahaha



Entered!!! :D

Entering!! ^^ (Faved & Subbed)

E n t e r i n g    o w o

entering .,monibuvcdx

Entering. You want a joke? I’ll give you a joke:

did you hear about the guy who lost his left side? The doctor says he’s all-right now. 

Entering ^^

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faved and subbed

what do you call a fish with no eye, fsh

Subbed and faved, thanks for the opportunity!

Why did the man get hit by a bike every day? He was stuck in a vicious cycle. 😞😢🖤

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subbed and faved! heres a cheesy joke:

did you hear about the two thieves who stole a calendar? they each got six months.

entering! subbed 

what do you call a bear with no ears?


Faved and subbed

Why did the seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they would be bagels 🥯

Y5BHFht6hf6 Lmao

Faved and subbed!

Why did the bike fall over? It was two tired 🥴🥴

Faved and subbed! Thanks for the opportunity!

What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh. (No i's)

Favorited and subbed <3


I’m entering! (Favorited and subbed)

Im concerned for the calendar, it’s days are numbered

favorited and subbed !

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And Why was the cook arested 

He got caught betting an egg 👉👈 



This adopt looks EGGtastic

Faved ^^


I faved

Entering! Also already subbed ^^

Good luck to everyone who enters 🍀