Ande Chi



7 years, 3 days ago

Basic Info


Ande Chi




March 4











Significant Other:

Rosuto (Dreamscape ONLY)


Amiga (Magnum), The Heavy Star (Hammer)


Dreamscape- Student, Dream Master / Altered Earth-




Main Persona

Because of Ande being my main internet persona she has certain rules that apply to her. 

  1. Her red/ outfit (or caped outfits) is her storyline outfit used exclusively for character development while her blue variant is used to represent her as my persona (Self) 
  2. For story purposes Ande is involved solely with Rosuto, for persona purposes Ande is involved with Will
  3. Ande only wields The Heavy Star in story related situations.
Ande grew up in the city of Vertica on the Middle Continent of The Dreamscape with big dreams and hopes of eventually seeing the night sky that had been outlawed to non Night Patrol enlisted folk and kin. 

As time goes on in her world she goes on to meet Rosuto who is the bell tower keeper of the Saint Natalie Cathedral at the very center of Vertica. She and several of her friends come to grow more and more suspicious of him despite her own personal feelings of romantic interest in him. Eventually it is revealed to them that Rosuto has been luring in more and more people and kin who have been disappearing from the city in order to be devoured by an unknown leader of the Night Patrol. Shortly after this revelation Rosuto is pierced through with Kohaku's sword before she and the rest of Ande and crew free the few captured they've found.

Almost a year passes before the church bell rings again and Ande goes up the tower to investigate again. She comes across Nyx, Rosuto's mother, nursing him back to health. Through explanation and coercion, Nyx explains that this was part of her father-in-law's, Loki, plan to obtain more magic in order to break the barrier between this world, The Dreamscape, and Altered Earth in order to overthrow the old gods (Castell, Mother, and Father).

Through an enormous amount of training and travel, Ande begins to learn that she was prophesized to be the next Dream Master and that this occupation was to be coupled with another, The Nightmare Worker, in order to protect the barrier and keep any one being from becoming too powerful. She and Rosuto, along with the help of Kohaku and Carmello, develop an army they hope to strike Loki down with for good. Ande is taken back to the highest spire of the cathedral in Vertica the eve before the Twilight Battle with Loki and his army where she wishes upon the Northern Star for guidance. Ultimately her wish is granted in the form of her new hammer, The Heavy Star, and she fully takes on the mantel of Dream Master. 

By the time the evening had started to roll in the next day the Twilight Battle had begun where Ande, as the new Dream Master, met Loki head on as he took the form of a dire wolf. Though she and her army fought valiantly, they are ultimately out matched and she begins to feel a lack of support and trust in her which causes her to be unable to lift the weight of The Heavy Star and to be struck into a vulnerable state by Loki. 

Weak and on last breaths, Rosuto snatches her away from the war and is able to make a deal where her soul is pushed into a new body in Altered Earth where Loki will be unable to touch her or her potential for magic. 

Eventually the Scalpel Verse that contained The Dreamscape and Altered Earth is wiped away after several thousand more years by a both very proud and very disappointed Castell who locks their creations away into a sort of white noise. A new universe, The Stitches Verse, is born where Castell has taken to a hushed, hands off existence and their two new goddesses, Danna and Trudell, do very much the same while trying to shape a very organic and simple world they refer to as Small Place. Monroe Frighdeigh is eventually born into this universe as a sort of spiritual successor to Ande and finds that she is also tricked by a wolf named Krutch who is Loki hiding in this new body. During their final encounter Ande is finally able to break into the new universe and world where she passes on her legacy of Dream Master and The Heavy Star to Monroe while explaining that it's not needing to feel important to others that allows her to do what she does in this job but that feeling important to herself is what matters most of all. 

Ande then tears both herself and Loki out of the Stitches Verse onto a new, empty plane of existence where she traps Loki in a battle with her sheer tenacity in order to give Trudell and Danna time to nuture Monroe and her companion, Dispute, into their new line of power. Trudell also begins her search of Kohaku's spiritual successor while Danna searches for Carmello's in order to grant them an epiphany of what their new lives must be so this vicious cycle of Loki's lust for power and domination can finally end.