Fuwako Inoue



3 years, 1 month ago


Fuwako Inoue, Hero Name: COTTONBALL

Name Fuwako Inoue
Age 16 (start of first year at UA)
Gender Female
Race Half Japanese, half Scottish
Role Hero in training in Class 1-B at UA High School


  • Fluffy things
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Cute bugs, bees, ladybugs, butterflies
  • Honey/honey foods


  • Spiders
  • Messes
  • Grey weather
  • Entitled people

Hero . Artist . In love


Name: Fuwako Inoue
Nicknames: Fuwa, Fu, Fuwafuwa
Gender: Female
Age: 16-17
Birthday: April 1st
Nationality: Half Japanese, Half Scottish


Fuwako was born in Japan, although her mother was a foreigner from overseas.
She was doted on, spoiled, lived a pampered life.
She never really thought too much on heroes or the role they played in society until one event.
When she was 8, she was caught up in a villain incident, seeing just how dangerous and terrifying one could be up close.
Watching the heroes fighting to protect them, risking their life, opening her eyes to just how amazing these people are.

During the incident, a civilian fell from a high floor out of one of the destroyed buildings. People watched in horror as the woman fell, the heroes unable to reach the victim in time, Fuwako instinctively rushed forward, using her quirk to create a safe landing for the woman.
Despite being just a child, she didn't hesitate.

Praised for her quick reactions, and hearing from pro heroes just how useful her quirk was, Fuwako decided from that day she would work towards being a pro. To save as many people as possible.
She found her purpose that day, and she never looked back.


Fuwako is very upbeat and cheery. She has a kind disposition, but can be rather awkward at times. Although it might not be obvious right away to people, Fuwako is very intelligent, to the point that her brain works faster than her mouth does, this sometimes leading her to cut herself of mid sentence or to fumble with words. She processes information very fast, that and has super fast reflexes. She doesn't tend to be as outgoing normally, but her cheerful and peppy demeanour increases drastically when she is in "hero mode"

Fuwako enjoys making people happy, seeing others smile because of her is what drives her.
Since she looks young with her round face and childlike actions, people don't tend to take her seriously at first. Dismissing her observations and statements.
She has a hard time focusing in school, if the subject doesn't interest her, Fuwako's mind tends to wander. Despite this she gets fairly good grades, though if she actually studied harder she would drastically raise her average...
She loves sweets, unfortunately she can't bake at all. For some reason no mater how she follows the recipe, everything turns out burnt or somehow ruined.
Fuwako has a slight OCD nature, she doesn't like when things are out of place.

Likes: Fluffy things, cherry blossoms, flowers, flower pressing, doodling, sweets, bugs (like fuzzy caterpillars, ladybugs, bumble bees, butterflies), all animals (especially fluffy ones), baths, spring,

Dislikes: Entitled people (so a lot of villains) spiders (despite liking bugs, she is terrified of arachnids) grey weather, messes.

Favourite Foods: Most sweets! Sakura foods during cherry blossom season, honey (honey in anything), honey cheese toast, melon bread, cotton candy (mostly because its fun to eat), fruits, berries, eggs (just not hardboiled), soft served ice cream. Omurice!

Hobbies: Flower pressing, making jewelry, fashion design, organization, doodling, coming up with designs for things.

Fears: Arachnids, closed spaces, fire.

Habits: Fumbling her words, losing focus (short attention span, gets bored easy), nitpicking, making sure things around her are symmetrical, creating cute things from her quirk.


Quirk Name: Cotton
Description: From her hands and feet, Fuwako can release large amounts of a cotton like substance. She is able to alter the density as well as the shape. Being able to make it bouncy or as soft a landing as it looks to be.


Cotton Cloud: Creates a soft landing for anyone who is falling or just needs a comfy spot to rest.

Cotton Guard: A defensive shield for attacks, the cotton becomes thick and protects against physical attacks or wind/rubble.

Cotton Boost: Using a bouncy form of cotton, Fuwako is able to up her agility and reach heights and distances she couldn't without.

Cotton Blast: A powerful rush of firm cotton can become a strong physical attack, especially when it disperses and it obstructs an enemy's vision.

Cotton Spore: A light and fluffy form of cotton is scattered to make a quick getaway or by time, covering the area in a sea of cotton that is impossible to see through.


- Power: 3/5
- Speed: 4/5
- Technique: 4/5
- Intelligence: 5/5
- Cooperativeness: 5/5


-Gloves are made with a special fibre that lets Fuwako's quirk pass through her fingertips.
-Leg bands support muscles when jumping.
-Boots have a button on the front, when Fuwako taps them against the ground, her toes are revealed so she can use her quirk from her feet. This is how she can create a bouncy surface to travel in the air.
-Pack around waist is full of first aid treatments.

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