Yuuki Seishin



3 years, 4 months ago


Yuuki Seishin, Hero Name: SPIRITUAL

Name Yuuki Seishin
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Race Japanese
Role Deceased- Childhood friend of En (6th OFA holder) -remains as a ghost on earth until OFA fulfills it's purpose and puts and end to AFO. She helped ALL MIGHT when he held the power and now she helps Deku.


  • Ghosts
  • Sunlight
  • Food (she misses food)
  • En <3


  • Stormy weather
  • The fact she can't eat food anymore.
  • Sadness
  • AFO

Hero . Ghost . Guardian


Name: Yuuki Seishin
Nicknames: Yu
Gender: Female
Age: ?
Birthday: May 4th
Nationality: Japanese


Yuuki was childhood friends with En, (The 6th user of OFA)
Training to be heroes together, she was the sworn friend who knew about OFA and supported En during the time he had it.
En and her were unable to stop AFO, so using the last amount of her powers, took her own life to remain as a ghost to help with the future OFA holders, until AFO is finally gone for good, and the world returns to a normal, safer state.

Yuuki loved En since she was young. Even though he was aware of her feelings, due to their jobs as Heroes and En having been given OFA, they never confessed to each other.

When Yuuki was young, people teased her because of her quirk. Saying she was creepy because she could talk to ghosts, and rumours spread that she could curse or kill you. En was the only one her age that didn't care what her quirk was, the only one who stayed by her side.


Losing En to AFO was the most painful thing to ever happen to her. So much so that forfeiting her life didn't even require a 2nd thought. She would still be able to communicate with him at times, and to stop AFO, she promised En she would look after his successors. Unable to prevent Nana Shimura's death, Yuuki helped ALL MIGHT to become the symbol of peace. When she came to the realization that Deku was the chosen one and the last OFA user, she sticks close to him supporting him, especially when he leaves UA

Yuuki goes back and forth between limbo and the human world. Not actually having a place of her own, she can switch her consciousness.


Yuuki is shy and gentle. She is sweet, but gets nervous talking. She appears childlike, as a ghost she is more comfortable around those she talks to. She sometimes appears to talk to herself, but she is actually talking to the dead. She has a great appreciation for life, wanting to teach others to appreciate what they have, and that the most important thing is to live ones life so there are no regrets.

Likes: Ghosts, Sunlight, food (she misses food...) candlelight, hot springs, flowers, En <3
Dislikes: The fact there are so many tasty things around, but she can't eat or drink anything )=. Stormy weather, sadness, fear, AFO
Favourite Foods: She loved sweets, not being able to eat all the tasty things she sees is torture...
Hobbies: Flying (exploring around), festivals, watching animals eat (like birds and bunnies), surprising people.
Fears: That in the afterlife she won't be able to see En again.
Habits: Getting lost in her thoughts, daydreaming, forgetting she can go through objects like walls.


Quirk Name: Ghost
Description: Yuuki can communicate with ghosts, when she was alive she could let a ghost possess her and be able to use their quirk to help in fights. After she died and became a ghost herself, Yuuki can take over a person for a short time. She is also able to be seen by certain people and communicate with them. She can still communicate with ghosts herself, she often helps those in limbo pass on themselves. Knowing how hard death is so accept.

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