Zoey Aitkens



9 years, 10 days ago

Basic Info


Zoey Aitkens


Zo or Z, usually just goes by Zoey!




March 17th, Pisces






High School Gym Teacher and Coach




Algorab, Senshi of Suffocation






Earth, still debating on birth planet.


Personality Traits

The Postive

Ambitious - Zoey always wanted to go far in her life. Since a young age she has always been pushing herself to constantly improve in one area or another. She had several interests and hobbies growing up (and still does!) She has a hard time concentrating on on tash at a time and tends to focus on different things at the same time. While this may seem like a bad thing at times, because she can get distracted crom what she's currently working on in favor of soemthing more interesting at the moment, but she's never been late in truning in a project or failed at a task she's been given. 

Protective - Zoey is extrememly protective of those close to her, especially her family. She tends to be quiet the popular person due to her out-going personality but that doesn't mean everyone who would consider her a friend is going to have her hulking out on anyone that is mean to them. How does Zoey become protective of you? Zoey only has a select few close friends, and they're mostly friends that she's kept around for years. Typically her friends come from the same interests that she has, she'll talk more to someone who's as interested in Soccer as her, or maybe someone who expresses the same eco-friendly logic as herself. You're a real friend if Zoey actually talks to you about more serious issues, or is willing to talk about your problems as well. Zoey wouldn't never go so far as to hit someone for simply offending a friend, unless such an action was seriously warrented. She would definitely stand up for them though even if there was the possibility she'd have to take a hit in the face, although it's highly unlikely she would just stand there and take a hit in the first place. One thing Zoey's always been conflicted on is her busy schedule and comforting a friend. She's been known to draw a 'wounded' friend along with her to her various appointments, dragging them to Soccer partice, yoga, etc. Hoping to cheer them up, while getting work done at the same time. 
While Zoey certainly does put friend and family as a priotirty she certainly wouldn't ignore a stranger in dire need. But this is along more serious lines. She wouldn't help someone that was in emotional pain, but if she was walking along the street and someone in front of her suddenly passed out, or fell down, Zoey wouldn't be one to just walk by and ignore someone in need. She'd be one of the firsts to check and see if the person was okay and call 911 if needed. If she were a witness to a crime, you bet she'd be there to defend that victim in court and so on. She wouldn't however, be one to help a random person on the street who she barely knew, who looked like they were having a bad day. Everyone has friends for that right?

Honest - Zoey is all about not telling lies. In a way, this goes along with her being Protective. After all, Honesty is the best medicine. Plus, if you don't get the whole truth, then how can you make changes to get over your problems in the first place? Zoey isn't exactly brutally honest however, she knows what to sugarcoat, and she knows when to keep her mouth shut. An example? She wouldn't go off on her boss about something, if she knew it would cost her a job or disapproval. She also doesn't care to lie about the little things like, "Does this dress make me look fat?" Why no, of course not. Maybe however, it's just not your color? She tries not to be insulting in anyway with her honesty, but the main reason she's so honest, is because she's an absolutely terrible liar. She gives herself away every time. Zoey knows not everyone is a terrible liar like herself. So,she has a bit of a habit of sticking "Be Honest" in front of any questions she would ask someone. When it comes to getting opinions from others, she tends to ask her friends anyway. And when it comes to friends, she does expect them to be honest with her.

The Negative

Self-Concious - Zoey may seem like ther perfect person, almost effortlessly making her way through college and dealing with the (not that much younger) kids at her work, but in reality she is always watching what she does and how she does it. She can easily get embarrassed is she messes something up, and therefore she works extra hard to make sure she doesn't. She is always worried about how other people look at her and she has a major problem with people who don't like her. After all, she doesn't really believe she can do much of anything to get on anyone's bad side. She tends to avoid anyone that doesn't like her, she might try to prove herself once or twice, but she's quick to realize if someone is set in their views. Why the hidden slf-conciousness? It's not hard to say that Zoey is a bit of a perfectionist at all. She builds herslef up to be this awesome person, with all the collest friends. But, if you're a real friend you actually know Zoey is a relatively chill person arund her own home and outside of her various work-related areas.  

Sensitive - Zoey takes anything said about her, and to her face, to heart. She's not fast to cry her heart out, but she is quick to tune out a person if they're being mean to her. She absolutely hates crying in front of others, so when she is hurt emotionally she'll usually get a little glossy eyed, and very quiet, but there will be no tears shed until she's alone. You can imagine that there's a lot of pressure on her, and half of it is her own fault, but she's definitely tries to ignore it. Though, she's not just sensitive when it comes to herself, Zoey can be tricked into doing anything by someone who looks like they need help. When she was little, she was famous for bringing stray pets home. Now, she does a ton of 'self volunteer work', which usually just includes helping people pick up their things when the drop them all over the floor, helping that random old person cross the street, and comforting her friends. (Thankfully she stopped bringing stray pets home!) So, you can see where her over sensitive side, can get her into a lot of trouble at times. She's not going to get all sensitive over little remarks however, like maybe her hair got a little messed up because of the wind and someone calls her out for it. Big deal, she'll just brush it out and be fine. What she's sensitive about, are things she actually cares about. Take for instance, someone saying she can't be good at something, just because she's a girl or etc.

Multi-Tasking - It's no secret to anyone that Zoey has a jam-packed schedule. This was more of a problem while she was still in college, but her load had only lightened up a little bit since diving right into the work force. She keeps a rather deatiled day planner that if she lost, she would probably have a heart attack. The only real time she has to rest would be the 4-7 hours of sleep she gets at night. She is constantly on the go and in action, not to mention her phone also helps to keep her on track. Her main mode of transportation in a small motorcyle, other than that she makes use of public transporation and taxies when she has to. If Zoey does miss an appointment then she's the first person to call and apologize, reassure the person (or group) she was supposed to meet up with, and reschedule. This doesn't happen to often, but when it does she accepts the blame and corrects the problem as soon as possible. Does her lack of sleep ever get to her? Yes, the nights when she doesn't get as much sleep as she should, she's considerably less active the next day and can be seen with natural energizes to keep her going through the day. She does sometimes find time for naps during the day though, and she hasn't gotten to a point where she needs any medication for it. She plans on keeping it that way too.


Gardening - At her parents home and growing up she helped to tend for a garden in her backyard. Her family would grow various things depending on the season and it was a strictly eco-friendly sort of Garden, no unnatural chemical anywhere near the place. Of course that means extra work, but she's not above doing that Now that she lives in an apartment, she can't exactly have her own outback secret garden anymore. Instead she cares for a lot of house plants. 

Soccer - Soccer is what paid Zoey's way through college. She was a professional player and through the team had a scholarship that paid her way through school. Of course, Zoey being Zpey, she did also work her way through school. Still, Soccer is by far her favorite sport (despite being talented at a number of them). She absolutely loves to teach Soccer to younger kids and still volunteers as a Lil' League Soccer Coach! 

Fencing - Zoey actually took Fencing up on a dare from her father. She had found out he was quite the Fencing pro back in the day (and later she'd find out he's still really good at it) and had told him it was silly. However, once she starte dgoing to the practicing and learning the rules she really began to enjoy herself there. While she does enjoy fencing, it is not a top priority for her.

Yoga - Zoey practices what many refer to as Iyengar Yoga which is a pretty basic form of yoga, which can easily be taught to others and followed in your own personal routine. The atmosphere calls for peaceful music and enough room for your own yoga mat, plus the occasional prop, which can be weights, blocks, straps, and anything that helps hold a position or stretch more muscle. Typically this is how Zoey begins and ends her day. While she doesn't actually attend classes anymore, it's easy enough for her to keep on top of her own routine and even teach others! Like stated above, it's very beginner friendly, and although you might not be able to hold a pose as long as Zoey, or be able to do it with weights, you can probably at least do the pose. It's more about holding a position versus getting into a really weird position.

Star Gazing - A hoppy that Zoey picked up her freshmen year of High School. While she had always enjoyed looking up at the sky at night and gazing at the stars, she came to realize that there's actually a more serious way of doing such a thing. So, she asked for a teleoscope for her 14th birthday and she still owns it to this day. Of course it's not quite as used anymore, since she doesn't have rooftop access in her apartment building. Still, she does know her way around the 'sky' and she has even drawn her own maps.


Father - Ian Aitkens - Ian the the parent Zoet most resembles, neither her sister nor her mother have the amount of freckles this man has (and herself!). He is easily the parent that is home and cares for the house most often. Probably because he's just a daily salary man working in a car garage. He was always the one pushing Zoey to her limits, because he knew she had high goals set for herself. He's a good guy and very humurous. Much like Zoey, it's hard to find a reason to not like the guy. he often had to play the strict parent however.

Mother - Jean Aitkens - Jean is the fun parent, and it anything she was alwyas telling Zoey she was doing too much. While she did understand her daughters drive, and even help to keep it active, she was often concerned her oldest daughter was pushing herself too hard. One thing Jean always tries to accomplish is a family dinner. Miss family dinner and Officer Aitkens would come to get ya'. That's right, Zoey's mother is a Police Officer. As such there were times when she had to miss out on dinner, but the rest of the family would carry on, expect it would usually be take-out on the table instead of home-cooked food. 

Sister - Kylee Aitkens - Kylee is only 13 years old and was a actually an 'oops' baby. Jean had been told from a young age that it would be hard for her to have kids. So it was amazing enough that they ended up with Zoey. When the mother found out that she would have having a second child, she was shocked. She was forced to take a lot of time off from work, but it paid off in the end. Kylee is a very rambuctous child and is always over flowing with boundless energy. She grew up adoring her older sister and at times it did drive Zoey a little bit crazy. While Zoey doesn't live with her parents anymore, she does make time to hang out with her sister. Kylee is still quite attached to her sibling.


Knight Abilities

Stone Angelite

Weapon - Whip

Power -  Angelite can exude a calming presence that can help allies. Be it fear, anger, stress or panic, her calming aura can help put them in a calm state that allows them to focus once again on the situation at hand. 

Fun Facts / Miscellaneous Information

The Closet - Zoey basically loves anything green! Her closet is full of quirky colors and patterns. Of course she also has some formal-ish wear for when she teaches. To top it off her closet is loaded down with soccer jerseys and shorts, as well as vibrantly colored shows. She prefers not to wear heels, but has worn them on occasion. 

I love fresh fruit! - Zoey has a thing for Watermelon specifically. Of course she loves most fruits in gernal, but nothing beats a nice watery watermelon in her eyes. 

Brief History - Zoey come from you average middle-class family and from a young age has always been pushing herself to be the best person she can be. Her sister wasn't born until she was already 8-years-old herself, and it was a bit of an attention struggle for her at first. As the years went by though the sisters grew closer, expect eventually Zoey went away for college. They might not be super close anymore, but Zoey still adores her little sister. Growing up Zoey was excellent at a lot of things. She was always an amazing soccer player and carried her High School team to the championships (although they didn't win). She was quite the popular student growing up and knew most everyone in the school. When she moved to go to college little changed for her except for the settings. She continued to play soccer, because it was what was paying for her to go to school. While there she majored in Physical Education and Communication, with a minor in economics. Once out of college she was offered a position as a teacher at her old High School and she started teaching as soon as possible. She moved back to Selene and settled into a modest little apartment.