Jason McClayre Jr.



9 years, 10 days ago

Basic Info


Jason McClayre Jr.


JJ, Jay, or Junior (although this last one is family only!)




January 23rd, Aquarius


5'10", he's lean and fit, but not exactly bursting with muscles.




Canadian (Born in Maine)




Sailor Minkar










In this life, Earth. Previously, Minkar.


Personality Traits

The Positive

Amiable - You'll find that Jason is a very hard person to not get along with, unless you're the sort of person that just hates people because that'd your 'thing'. And trust me, Jason understands that not everyone is meant to get alog, but for the most part he tries not to jude a book by it's cover. He's always been a fairly easy going guy and never really belonged to any particular group of people through his schooling years. Often, his first works to any person regardless of hos long he's known them, is a compliment. He should not be mistaken for a suck up, he just knows what a good compliment can do for a person. Check out his cellphone and you'll see it's packed with contacts, but he actually has few close friends. Of course, that doesn't keep people from inviting him out. There's always a party somewhere, but whether Jason is there or not likely depends on if it can make a good story later. 

Great Listener - Again, Jason has to be a good listener. He doesn't just pay attention to the words, but the tones and he always searches for any hidden meanings behind them. He knows how to get a scoop on a story without actually having it told to him word for word. That's not to say he aims to make everything everyone tells him into some story in a newspaper. If you feel like you need someone to confide in Jason knows how to put his personal life above his work life. He would never think of hurting someone like that. Some people might notice that while they're talking to him, he may be looking around the room, or looking somewhere other then at their eyes. (No, he doesn't stare at boobs, unless they're just out in the open for anyone to see!) He's gotten called out on this before, some people really don't like when they don't have eye contact, but if your words were important enough for him to remember, he'll repeat exactly what you said while he was looking around the room.

Optimistic - There is very little that can deter this guy's perpetual good mood. That's not to say he doesn't have his bad days, because everyone has their bad days. When comething does get him down, if it's serious he's been known to agonize over it for days. However, for the most part he can find the smallest bit of light in the darkest closet. Even if it's not obvious right away, he can turn a dim situation around one way or another. He really can't stand people who always see things on the negative side. Sure, people have their own problems, but why just toreture yourself with the problems instead of actively working to fic them? There's always room to grow and unless you let yourself grow then you'll be stuck in that dark closet forever. Jason on the other hand, is always reaching for that next door.

The Negative

Unreliable - Jason may be a dependable person when he's with you, he'll listen to anything you have to say and stick with you so long as that's what you want. But, if he's made an appointment to be with someone, and somwhere along the line something else has caught his attention, he's gone to the rest of the world. When it comes to his hobbies, or his work, if he's enjoying himself he's happy to stay exactly where he's at. It's because of this bad habit that he often has to reschedule most of his dentist, doctor, etc appointments. He often warns people that he can be late to events. Usually he's good about getting to work on time and keeping appointments related to his journalism, but occasionally he'll get caught up in sailor, or writing a song, and next thing you know it's too late to show up. He's tried keeping a day planner, but it's usually too full and forgotten about anyway. So, he's hopeless. 

Restless - Jason hates just the thought of being lazy. If he finds himself sitting at home doing nothing he'll immediately find some way to remedy the situation. He'll waste his time cleaning his room, rearranging everything on the shelves, organizing his notebook, playing his guitar, or if the weather is nice, breaking out Voyager (his sailboat). He might call up one of his friends to hang out, but usually if he was sitting around at home being lazy, then it's because no one wanted to hang out that day in the first place. No, Jason isn't fidgety, unless he's stuck in a totally boring scenerio, but it stuck there for reasons. If you can avoid sitting next to him in these situations, because the sounds of pens clicking, foot tapping, doodling, and gum chewing might drive you insane.

Private - Jason may be a social butterfly, but he's not about to reveal something about his personal life any time soon. Only a select few of his close friends know of his family life and his goals in life. He keeps his private life, social life, and family life all separate. A few people have called him out for this in the past, but once you point out to him that he's not really saying anything about himself, that's when he turns around and walks away. He just, doesn't want every single person he knows, knowing what's up with his life. If he feels there's something about him you need to know, then you'll know. Till then, don't ask. That's the fastest way to push him away.


Sailing - Sailing runs in his family, they used to do it competitively before moving to Salene. They brought Voyager with them, and although she's not used in competitions anymore, Jason still pushes her to her limit around the coast. If it's a particularly bad day, and he mentions something about sailing, then it's just his way of letting go of anger or stress. It may not be the smartest thing ever, but it really helps.

Journalism/Writing - This is essentially what Jason wants to do for a living. One day he'd love to write and publish his own books, but for now he settles for a part-time gig with a small town paper. He just writes in a collumn, usually about some silly issue going on with the world. He really just enjoys writing in general, unless it's in a day planner. Music, short-stories, whatever you name it, he's done it. 

Photography - Jason has a collection of old camera's laying around his small single-bedroom home in Selene. What started out as a hobby when he found his Grandmother's ancient camera in her attic turned into a full-blown hobby. He had a huge fancy Sony SLR Camera with several different lenses that he uses professionally, but he rarely lugs it around with him everywhere. Instead he has a small digital camera for catching those random "That'd be a great shot!" moments. Needless to say, his whole home is a collage of photos. 

Guitar - More of a side hobby, although he truly does enjoy writing music and strumming on his guitar. He picked it up as a compromise with his mother, she wante dhim to pick up something more sophisticated, like the Violin or Piano. Instead, Jason promised he'd learn how to play music so long as he could pick the instrument. While he's not full-blown amazing, he does practice hard and with enough effort could make it as a small-town musician. However, he has other goals in life.


Jason McClayre Sr.  - Dr. McClayre can be a very serious man. He taught his children the various values or life, manners and saving your own money to buy things you want. He moved himself and his young wife to Selene shortly after being married in order to open a small family clinic in the little town. Why that particular location? Well, not particular reason outside of the fact that there wasn't another Doctor's office around for a few miles. It seemed like a good place to start a business and his wife opened a small bookstore as well. He always stressed that Jason would take over the business one day, but Jason has other plans. 

Charlotte Swan McClayre - Mrs. McClayre has always been self-employed, she owned a bookstore herself before moving to Selene with her husband. She packed up the whole business and brought it with her. Charlotte has always been a no-nonsense parent and wants nothing but the best for her children. While she may come off as strict she is also very loving. 

Ebony McClayre - Ah, teenager sisters (19) are really just a huge pain the the butt. And Ebony is no exception to this rule. There was a time, when they were younger, that Jason and his sister gone along well. but once she hit Middle School all hell broke loose. She made friends with the wrong sort of people, and currently...well who really knows where she is? Sure, she comes home. But mostly late at night. While Jason isn't at home anymore, he does hear about her escepades through their parents. Jason's parents are so baffled by her behavior that no one really knows what to do about it. Jason tries to look out for her, but since he's not living at home anymore it can be....difficult. 

Jessica Sheppard - Jessi [25] is the daughter of Charlotte's best friend from her high school years. Unfortunantly Jassi's Mother passed away and with no other relatives she was adopted into the McClayre family. She has as much passion for book as Jason's mother and she's always spouting off random bits of poetry. In general Jason tries to avoid her, although they got along well up until high school together. When Jessi confessed her feeling to Jason, he couldn't exactly return them. Things have been awkward between them since, mostly because Jessi is still obvious infactuated. 


Senshi Powers

Sailor Minkar, Senshi of Medicine!

Normal Senshi Attack:
 → Epione's Recovery
 • Attack -- Epione actually means Soothing, and is the Goddess of Soothing Pain. This brings on the basic understanding of Minkar's attack. You better hope you're not afraid of shots, because Minkar's attack involves him giving you a nice healing boost with that handy syringe of his!
 • Effect -- The attack heals minor wounds only, with maybe a little relief to bigger wounds/broken bones. The best thing about the attack, is the Soothing effect it has. Any pain your feel, is smothered under the comfort of Soothing.
 • Duration -- The attack itself lasts so long as you don't get any more wounds! So once you're healed, you're healed. Same with that little boost of energy, it holds up so long as you don't exert yourself anymore. The attack can be used up to three times in a battle!
 • Strength -- Minkar can heal and boosts his allies energy so that they can fight better against their enemies.
 • Weakness -- Minkar can't use this attack on himself, it does him no good since it take his own energy to heal everyone else. It's not terrible taxing on him, like he's not going to faint if he has to use his attack three times. Plus, his attack can't actually do damage on enemies, so he has to rely a lot on his allies or his own fists. Has a 1 minute cooldown.
Super Senshi Attack:
 → Panacea's Cure LOCKED
 • Attack -- Panacea was the daughter of Epione, and the Goddess of healing. It was said she had a potion that could heal the sick, regardless of what their illness. This is mostly just a boost to Minkar's first attack.
 • Effect -- Minkar can now heal more serious wounds, and give a bigger energy boost to his allies. He's not going to save someone from the brink of death, but it's definitely more powerful then his first attack.
 • Duration -- The effects last so long as they don't receive anymore serious wounds, again once you're healed you're healed. This attack can be used three times in a battle.
 • Strength -- Minkar can heal and boost his allies energy so that they can fight better against their enemies.
 • Weakness -- Minkar still feels no effect from his own attack, so he can't use it on himself. Again, he can't do actual damage to his enemies. So he continues to rely on allies or his fists to do damage. Has a 1.5 minute cooldown.
Eternal Senshi Attack:
 → Temple of Anguo LOCKED
 • Attack -- Minkar calls out his attack, and has to be in range of the person in need of healing. Usually pulling them closer, and into the protective (8x8ft) Temple that will form around them.
 • Effect -- Instead of Minkar using a Syringe to heal his ally, a temple will form around himself, and whoever is in need of healing. So long as they are inside the temple, the temple will heal his Ally. That's right, the temple heals whoever is inside, while standing in the the way of opponents on the outside.
 • Duration -- The wall itself can last up two 2 minutes, or it can be taken out by three hits to the outside of the wall. It may also last longer depending on what wounds are being healed inside it's walls, as soon as the people inside are healed, then the temple will disappear. The attack can be used up to three times in battle, decreasing in strength as it is continually used, and has a 3 minute cooldown.
 • Strength -- Allies being healed inside of the temple will feel ten times better once they leave. Minkar can now heal much more serious wounds, or more people at once. It's important to note, that even if allies are more energized, if they have already maxed out their attacks, then they will still not be able to use their attack! But, if they have an attack that decreases in power as it is used, their final attack could be just as powerful as the first time it was used.
 • Weakness -- The temple will shatter if hit successfully three times from the outside, and it takes Minkar a long time before he can summon the temple again. Minkar still has to depend on his allies, or his fists to do any damage to enemies, and he also has to rely on them while he's inside the temple to keep it from shattering too soon.


Fun Facts / Miscellaneous Information

The Closet - Here is a link to Jason's closet, to give you an idea of his attire. He really, really, really hates the cold and finds that he can get cold rather easily. He probably has bad blood circulation or soemthing. Regardless, despite his prepardness for winter, hiw attire tends to be on the nerdy side of things. He dresses casual most often and his favorite super hero is the Green Lantern!

I'm the Senshi of WHAT?! - Jason ended up deciding against following in hiw father's footsteps. He had a bit of a rebellious stage late in his college years. So he'll be a little PO'd when he awakens as the Senshi of Medicine. Oh, the irony. It will probably be a bit of a gloomy time for him. 

I'm in love, but it's awkward... - Jason has a childhood friend named Boaz whom he's always been close to. He continued on the path to becoming a Doctor mostly due to his friends interest in being one as well. Boaz is a few years older than Jason, but they always managed to keep in touch despite being seperated for College. Now that they both have settled down in Selene again they hang out more often. The thing is, Jason has always had a thing for Boaz. However, he doesn't think Boaz would ever have a thing for him (much less the fact he's a man). Because of this Jason has a habit of sleeping around with just about anyone, man or woman. Still, it bothers him to see Boaz with other people. 

Donuts go with Coffee - Call it weird if you want to, but Jason eats donuts with his coffee or he doesn't eat donuts. Same goes for the other way, the two have to be paired. Unless he's just in dire need of an energy boost. However, this is his favorite morning routine!

Brief History - Jason has always struggled in his home life. Mostly because his father and mother had a lot of expectations for their son growing up. Some of his happiest moments as a kids either involve visiting his Grandfather who still lived in Canada or hanging out with his best friend, Boaz. Their families were close, because both fathers were professional Doctors with their own strong career goals. While Boaz was quite happy to follow in his own father's footsteps, jason always struggled with the idea of going into Medicine. Still, with the help of Boaz he at least made decent enough grades to get sent to an okay University where he majored in Biology and was a Pre-Med student. However, around his third year in college he couldn't take the pressure from his parents any longer. While he did graduate with the Biology BS, he also double majored in Digital Media and minored in Communication. When he returned home he found a steady job at a Photograhpy studio and also occaionally writes articles for the local paper. He will at times, when they're low on staff, help at his father's Clinic, but he does the most basic of the basic; checking temperatures, blood pressure, giving a kid a shot, etc. He's been living in his own small home in Selene since returning from college and the house is an utter mess. Papers, photos, and the like are all over the place. While he does at least clean his dishes, that doesn't mean they get put up right away. His bedroom has clothes scattered all over the place, but they're not all dirty. He has a bit of a reputation for sleeping around, despite the fact that he does have someone he loves, but it's out of that frustration ( and what he believes to be a one-sided lvoe) tht he does sleep around. Boaz is probably the only person he doesn't let on to the fact he's attracted to guys as well. he values their friendship too much to risk losing it.