Basic Info










September 18 (the day he was adopted)


Age: 13

Gender/pronouns: He/him

Species: Human/Toad (Mario Toad)

family: Had an adoptive mother that hated him, but now lives with his new adoptive father, Dakota (No design yet, but he belongs to Scis)

Friends: No really close friends

Mist is a very shy and timid child, usually being reclusive and staying away from most social situations at all costs. His anxiety causes him to fear anything and anyone around him, especially those that resemble his adoptive mother. He tends to be very jumpy, even if someone does not attempt to frighten him there is a chance he will flinch in return to such simple gestures. He does not enjoy hugs, unless from his adoptive father. He can be childish and giddy sometimes though, when he feels in the mood he will run around and play with his favorite toys and games or even play outside, especially when it rains. He doesn't talk much and when he does, he is very quiet and won't say too much. If you ask him to repeat himself, he most likely won't. He finds comfort in late night TV shows and stuffed animals as well as comfort from his most favorite food, cheese pizza.

Mist unfortunately lost his biological mother due to complications from birth, leaving Mist to immediately be listed for adoption. He was adopted rather quickly by a woman with little to no knowledge of children prior, but she was willing to learn with her new son. She was a great mother up until mist was about five years old, she started to become tired of how shy and anxious he was, always blaming him for things going wrong even if not his fault at all. She wanted to toughen him up by making him do chores and activities not fit for a child his age. This strained their relationship to no end, leaving him fearing her constantly. By the time he was seven, his adoptive mother began to physically harm Mist to get him to behave, punishing him over the smallest mistakes and sending him to his room for days at a time. It wasn't until Mist spoke up to a teacher about it at school that things were finally handled...His mother was swiftly taken out of his life while he was temporarily put in Princess Peach's care of all people. He didn't know the princess, despite being a Toad himself. The princess had so much compassion for Mist that she wanted to find the most perfect parents for him while he stayed here. Finally, Mist found who would end up being his father, Dakota. Peach was beyond excited to know Mist will be loved and well taken care of by his new father, which couldn't have been truer. Mist adores his father more than anyone he has ever met. Dakota taught him how to open up and be himself and fear people less. He tried new foods, felt less pressure to do chores and was never punished for simple mistakes. Mist also always carries around a little plush with him that he calls Kitty Cheese, he will almost always be seen with it in his arms. Finally, an odd bit about Mist is that he also has a small cat form. The form is very rare as it only seems to happen when he is beyond exhausted which now rarely happens with his fixed bedtime that Dakota set for him. He is living a much happier life now and his next plan is to finally make some friends!


  • He does not remember his birthday, as it was never put on a birth certificate. Instead, him and his father just celebrate the day he was adopted.

  • Mist is scared if birds due to being attacked by a bunch of crows on his way home from school once.

  • He will go without sleeping or eating if he cannot find his plush, Kitty Cheese

  • Has some scars on his face and body from his adoptive mother, but all the bad bruising he had has finally gone away.

  • He tends to fall asleep in random places. The kitchen, park, hallways etc.

  • He doesn't seem to be very curious or interested in a lot of things, making it difficult for his father to decide on fun things to do with him. He always ends up figuring something out.

  • Mist doesn't really enjoy ice cream/sweets much since the flavor is very harsh to him as he never tried it before living with his father.

  • He has a LOT of dreams where he is an angel.

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD