Rey Ian Scarafien



6 years, 11 months ago


Name: Rey Ian Scarafien

Nickname: Hound

Gender: Male

DOB: October 28th

Zodiac: Yumolus

Age: 34

Height: 6'11 ft

Weight: 15 stone

Build: Muscular and tall

Element: Plant (Internalised)

Class: Hunter/Summoner

Location: Keriik Village

Occupation: Hunter

Weapon(s): Dual Hatchets

Relationship Status: Taken

Personality: Rey is the loner type, giving short and blunt answers to any respectable person - adult or child. He doesn't like to talk much even though he sells meat and leather, even running a beach-side grill in the winter. He is a well-known hunter, earning himself the title of "Hound" for the way he can use his nose to sniff out anything and his relentless attitude for tracking his prey down. He spends weeks away from home while out hunting on the back of his Feraleki. Despite being a great hunter, when he arrives home in the winter he hates waking up in the morning. At this time of the year, he tends to tire easily and get a little bit grumpy. He likes to appear tough even though that might not be the case - he has a soft spot evidently with the way he treats Poppy. Maybe the right someone will creep into his heart in the same way. In the heat of the moment, his familiar (Tossenaka) may take over him in an attempt to take advantage of the situation. However, Rey always manages to stop it before it's too late.


Rey, while a child in Reshega became lost in the forest and was hunted by his now familiar. He managed to stand up to it, however - impressing it and proving worth its time. Rey lived most of his life in the forest with his familiar until King Aktin called upon him to fight during the invasion, hence why he is now trapped in Esilis. When in Esilis Rey encountered Poppy out while riding and couldn't refuse taking care of her. Rey remains to keep her secret as he fears his friend's opinions on humans. Despite her not being able to speak in Runes, he named her Poppy. Rey never asked to be a father and isn't the best one considering he's battling with his familiar over eating her or not. He hunts through most seasons to find food that she can eat. He isn't really interested in finding a relationship since Poppy is enough for him to deal with and he has to play it cool with his hunter friends (Who aren't really the best influence on him). Rey does his best to not let his familiar get the better of him, he's grown so attached to Poppy.



- Grows a red moss when he falls asleep.