"Effer" Robyn Ilmusii



6 years, 11 months ago


Name 'Effer' Robyn Ilmusii
Gender Male
Age 22
DoB September 14th
Zodiac Veilistia
Height 5'11 ft
Build Skinny And Tallish
Level 24
Class Scout
Element Water (Adaptive)
Occupation Mercenary
Location Travelling
Relationship Status Single
Theme MISSIO - Everybody Gets High






  • Effer's nickname is just a phonetic abbreviation of "Fucker".
  • Effer gets angered easily. When he does his scars all get itchy and the vicious cycle begins.
  • Picks up random pills and takes them.
  • Has a childs phone.
  • Does any job as long as it pays.

'Effer' Robyn Ilmusii


Effer has an itchy trigger finger, much like his temper - he's quick to let loose and cause chaos. He doesn't like to keep any company since he doesn't feel worthy, pushing everyone away for their own sake. He hopes everyone is repulsed by his scars anyway. His real name is unknown, but he asks everyone to call him "F". However the name "Effer" caught on with his track record for being rude and vulgar. The only thing that will prevent him from getting a job done is harming a child, he can't bring himself to do so despite claiming to be ruthless. He's pretty tech-savvy for a Black Horn. A lot of the time he sits playing on his phone and wallowing in his own loneliness, but he has no one else but himself to blame for that. He's cynical as all hell.



  • Shooting Stuff
  • His Phone
  • Having Control
  • Money


  • His Scars
  • Positivity
  • Being Bossed Around
  • Being Alone


Water Manipulation
Effer can manipulate water as long as it's close by. He can turn the water to ice and use it to impale others or blind his enemies by turning it into steam and blasting it in their faces. He cannot use this power if there is no water within 5 metres of him. The strength of his attacks depend on the amount of water there is around him.

Dual Shot
Having his late brother's pistol, Effer dual weilds two pistols and can fire a barrage of shots at his enemies. This can either be used to attack or to serve as cover fire while he's moving or protecting others/a payload. He's quick to use his pistols as he finds them satisying to use, however they take time to recharge.

Strong Conviction
Effer doesn't care what others think about him, he just wants to make money so he can live in peace. He's determined to do what it takes to get his job done, he won't hesitate to kill or torture. When he has a prize worth caring for, his morals leave him and he will even attack innocent passerbys. He really doesn't care.


Before coming to Esilis Effer and his brother were competitive gunmen, both competing to make their father proud (a famous ex-gunman himself). Effer was overcast by his elder brother often, as he suffered from an unsteady hand and wouldn't aim well. However, his father and mother were supportive - he wasn't expected to do well and when he did he was rewarded. Despite this Effer felt inadequate compared to his elder brother.

Effer came to Esilis with his elder brother Thomas, who he looked up to and respected deeply. However, while exploring a cavern Effer upset a nest and accidentally got them chased by a small horde. Thomas could tell that there was no way to outrun the horde so he stopped behind and held them off so Effer could escape. Seeing as he couldn't take them all on, Effer attempted to help his brother. However, the stampede caused the cavern to begin to collapse and Thomas was dragged into the wailing horde. Effer tried his best in the situation, but almost got torn apart by the horde and managed to pull free from their clutches as the cavern closed. Mortally wounded and scarred to bits, he collected his brother's pistol from the ground and managed to wander into a group of hunters who took him to a healer quickly. He barely lived that day and still wishes it was him, not Thomas who was killed - the scars he is left with remind him of this.

Later Effer encountered an abandoned backpack while on an escort job, within it contained the phone and mini solar-panel that once belonged to a little girl who was out camping with her family when the invasion prior took place. With the owner long gone, Effer took the device thinking he could sell it for a good price and get something extra out of his job. But his curiosity got the better of him and he slowly learnt how to play around on it - despite not learning the language it was in. He grew attached to one of the apps in particular, it gives him comfort. His unsteady hands no longer give him an issue as he has the possession of his brother's gun, having two he just sticks with firing a barrage of shots - hoping he hits. He continues to take on paid jobs, like escorts and hunts to make a living. He rarely stays still, often found skulking in bars.


Darcy Perry Hyrragaltia Rival


Darcy and Effer have had the occational encounter. Effer hates most people but he hates Darcy less than others.

Tegan Zara Teflimala Friend


Effer has worked with Tegan in the past. He enjoys her style of work and appreciates her determination.

Leah Trisha Vurilia Annoyance


Effer has worked with Leah before, never again. He hates her goody-two-shoes attitude.

Aaron Peter Melliciia Acquaintance


Effer has had a few drinks with Aaron, he seems like an alright guy.

Nigel Wesley Eltramialii Friend


Nigel's music makes Effer relaxed, with him around all of his worries melt away.

Buck Henry Roklamitii Friend


Effer has worked with Buck in the past, he enjoys working with him as Buck is completely silent most of the time.