small n tall



3 years, 17 days ago


Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Birthday November 25
Star Sign Sagittarius
Gender Female
Orientation Pansexual
Birthday July 20
Star Sign Cancer
Height Difference
7 cm
170 cm
177 cm

Age Difference
4 months

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car
Can't drive
Makes dinner
Can't cook
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has no relationship experience
Has more relationship experience
How they met

Yixian transferred to Haiyun's high school during their last year. Haiyun was interested in her as soon as she first introduced herself, and his interest continued to grow exponentially as she became one of the top students in the class and rose in popularity. She was seen as a powerful figure in the classroom, not just because of her academic standing but also because of her height. Many of Yixian's classmates felt intimidated by her so she spent most of her time alone until Haiyun worked up the courage to finally start getting closer to her.

Their Relationship

Haiyun's single brain cell was infatuated with Yixian at first sight. His friends think he's weird for pursuing her and they bring up her height every time they get the chance. However, since Haiyun has only one brain cell, he doesn't care. He really wants to impress her but his brain overheats every time he sees her so he always fumbles the bag. Even though he finds these moments embarrassing, Yixian brings them up as fond memories and each time she does, Haiyun falls more in love.

Yixian has only one goal: to attend Peking University. She has no interest in finding a partner and is quick to reject any romantic advances. However, Haiyun is different. She enjoys his company and can't bring herself to hold him at a distance like she does with everyone else. With his help, she opens up and begins to find a balance between her drive to reach her goals and enjoying life in the moment. His carefree attitude and unexpected actions always bring her joy and she begins to love him too.


  • Yixian once set cup noodles on fire because she microwaved the cup without removing the paper lid
  • Haiyun has always wanted to pursue a modelling career but his friends always ridiculed him for having such an unachievable dream (Yixian supports him tho!)
  • Both of them eat suprisingly healthy
  • Hype energy and calm energy couple
  • Ship name is HaiXian aka seafood!!