
3 years, 16 days ago


Description provided from his original adoption from Starshine Pastures!: this playful goat loves tricks and treats! the jack-o-lantern markings on his side seem to change with his emotions, and all his green markings glow in the dark! he never goes anywhere without his little bat buddy! 

(name change pending) is a mischievous but harmless little goat who finds himself deeply intrigued by the weirder things in life. From full moons to creepy crawlies, Spookley can be found playfully enjoying anything dark and ooky. His pet bat, Boris, never leaves his side! Though Boris is just as playful, he can often be found napping from Spookley's horns, impressively snoozing through his owner's jumping and bobbling. Be careful not to mention candy around him! The two will quickly be all over you in search of it.