Beckett Remington



3 years, 1 month ago


Beckett Remington
Basic Info
Name Beckett Remington
Nickname Beck
Gender Male
Age 33 (S2)
Birthday July 11th
Horoscope ♋ Cancer
Species Human
Ethnicity English
Blood Type O+
Birthplace Carlisle, England
Occupation Professor; Headmaster
Orientation Heterosexual
Alignment Content
Status Content
Friendly Supportive Understanding Protective



Beckett is a firm, sometimes strict, and understanding man. He isn't afraid of much and isn't afraid to put people in their place, especially students if he sees them doing something wrong. He believes pushing people can bring out their full potential and is one that strongly believes in starting from the bottom and moving their way up. He usually has a stern expression on his face, never really showing emotion, besides his wife. He may not show it, but Beck does care for his students and is doing what he can to help them.

  • His wife, Varya
  • Teacehing
  • Dueling
  • Cooking
  • Jean-Louis Bonaparte (depending)
  • Those against the Red Dorm
  • Students not putting effort in
  • Crowler's Crazy Ideas
  • Being from the United Kingdom, Beckett does speak with an English accent.
  • His favorite colors are red and orange.
  • Beckett enjoys reading a good e-book during times he's not teaching or grading.
  • Beckett still surpries Varya with small dates, even though they are on an island.
Height 193 cm (6'4")
Weight N/A
Build Tall
Complexion Pale
Hair Color Black
Hairstyle Long-ish, low ponytail
Eye Color Green
Handedness Right
Aesthetic Casual
Demeanor Friendly

Beckett is a tall early middle-aged man, with a light-colored skin, and green eyes. His black hair, which sometimes takes a dark indigio-blue color when the sunlight hits it, is on the semi-long side, and he keeps it tied in a low ponytail. His wife, Varya, often describes his hair as being very silky, yet at the same time, smooth. He is often mistaken for being a long-black-haired, green-eyed version of Seto Kaiba - which usually ticks him off.

When teaching, Beckett wears a slightly modififed, Teacher, version of the Obelisk Blue Boys' Uniform: a dark red, long-tailed jacket, that he keeps open, over a black shirt, dark pants, and dark red and black shoes.

His normal clothing, or non-teaching outfit, usually varies, but he does for things he is comfortable, which tends to be casual. One of his outfits consists of a black leather jacket over a light gray hoodie, a black shirt, dark colored jeans, and dark-colored shoes. His second, most worn outfit, is a black sleeveless vest over dark blue-gray dress shirt, black pants, and matching shoes.

In either outfit, Beckett has his deck case attached to his belt, always ready. He often has his Academy-Issued Duel Disk nearby as well, especially during his teachings.

Japanese: Content | English: Content

Phasellus elementum placerat erat ac placerat. Nulla ac ante turpis. Curabitur sit amet quam sodales dolor lacinia consectetur vitae vel massa. Sed elementum rutrum risus nec rhoncus. Proin a mattis sapien. Sed a scelerisque diam, et feugiat purus. Etiam luctus dui et iaculis maximus. Maecenas nisi nisi, faucibus non lacus vel, tempor ultrices ante. Donec sapien dui, gravida a ultrices quis, vestibulum et arcu.


His last name Remington is a surname-turned-first name derived form the Old English "hremm", meaning "raven" and "tun", or "settlement". Beckett is also of Old English menaing "beehive".


Phasellus elementum placerat erat ac placerat. Nulla ac ante turpis. Curabitur sit amet quam sodales dolor lacinia consectetur vitae vel massa. Sed elementum rutrum risus nec rhoncus. Proin a mattis sapien. Sed a scelerisque diam, et feugiat purus. Etiam luctus dui et iaculis maximus. Maecenas nisi nisi, faucibus non lacus vel, tempor ultrices ante. Donec sapien dui, gravida a ultrices quis, vestibulum et arcu.


Beckett was born in raised in Carlisle, England of the United Kingdom. Growing up, like most of the teenagers, Beckett got into Duel Monsters, gaining interest and popularity from his peers using his "Gladiator Beast" Deck. Despite being told he could go pro if he wanted, Beckett did not, instead headed off to university.

Halfway through university, Beckett went abroad, where he learned more about the origin of Duel Monsters. He was able to meet and listen to lectures by Professor Devon Reynolds, which furthered his interest in what he wanted to do.

In his final years of univesity, Beckett met Varya Nikolaev in the nighttime program. Somehow, he found himself falling quickly for her - which shocked him considering he hadn't been on a date for almost four years. Luckily for him, Varya fell for Beckett too and it didn't take long for them to start dating.

By the time of Trials of Light, Beckett and Varya had been married for about two years, when he was hired by Seto Kaiba to be the new Headmaster of Duel Academy's Slifer Red Dorm, and as a new teacher. Fortunately, Varya was also later hired as another teacher, as the school was unable to find someone for a class in time.


Phasellus elementum placerat erat ac placerat. Nulla ac ante turpis. Curabitur sit amet quam sodales dolor lacinia consectetur vitae vel massa. Sed elementum rutrum risus nec rhoncus. Proin a mattis sapien. Sed a scelerisque diam, et feugiat purus. Etiam luctus dui et iaculis maximus. Maecenas nisi nisi, faucibus non lacus vel, tempor ultrices ante. Donec sapien dui, gravida a ultrices quis, vestibulum et arcu.


Beckett duels with a "Gladiator Beast" Deck, which focuses on Fusion Summoning and Tagging, which allows him to switch "Gladiator Beasts" during Battle. His main strategy tends to vary, but whichever he uses, he always manages to summon his ace "Gladiator Beast Heraklinos" onto the field.


Season 2
Opponent(s) Chapter(s) Outcome
Character Name Chapter Win
Character Name Chapter Lose
Character Name Chapter DRAW

Beckett loves and cares for his wife very much. He knows very well she can take care of herself, however, he will step in if someone is treating her badly though. Like most couples, Beckett does show affection to Varya, but the two usually keep it on the downlow, as they prefer it that way.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in sodales massa, eget mollis lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed et dui turpis. Integer at ante nibh. Nunc mattis lorem sed suscipit condimentum. Donec nisl nulla, mattis sit amet mollis vitae, pretium sit amet erat.