Vincent Constantine ★ (Old story vincent)



3 years, 1 month ago






A very professional summary of his backstory: 

first eight years of my life was a blur because injected drugs and pain from my dad removing my magical essence directly from my brain for science when i was completely awake for the whole time because the drugs were only for mellowing me out. also caged till i was ready for highschool. also abused mentally and physically by daddio. 

vincents dad is a psycho sadist and his mother was a religious freak of nature; but the two most powerful zeaphers at the time; leading to vinny boy, but abuse made him emotional and soft and lead to rebellian when he became a teen. 

vincent actually produces too much magical essence, it makes him spark and his head hurt

his dad wanted to find a way to make use of the essence in its dorment unused state. But after zeaphers turn eight, they choose what their magic is used for and it cant really be taken anymore unless you want to instantly kill the zeapher, or fuck em up.

gabriel had a kingdom to keep and decided not to kill his son immediately after choosing the 'wrong' magic type. But then vincent made frands and gabs plan ruined so he killed the wife; attempted to kill the son and ran

then vincent depended on alex and alex was like STAHP U FUCKING ANNOYING and then he went to bec and bec broke his heart and then he went back to alex

then they went on and off till the end of time




- Addicted to sex.

- Owns his own vineyard and fashion line.

- Literally can't dress himself, he can't put clothing together.

- Wine is his one true love.

- He doesn't do work.

- Hes terrified of being alone.

- Can't handle listening to his own name;; Alexander is the only one that can call him by his real name or actually knows it.

- His powers are so strong he has to be constantly using them so they don't over charge and lash out like electric shock; relatedably, if he gets unstable or angry his powers reverse and he hurts himself and others in the process. In that state he is mostly unconcious but a touch or a hug can usually snap him out of it.

- Likes to take in strays.

- Likes almost every kink in the book.

- Left handed.

- Sultry biscuit. 

- Supposed to be quite British.

- Vincents personality is LITERALLY spunky old grandma.

His theme song.