Harry Lee Naixesco



6 years, 11 months ago


"...I remember."

Name: Harry Lee Naixesco

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

DOB: December 14th

Zodiac: Liithas

Age: 42

Height: 6'3 ft

Weight: 14.3 stone

Build: Tallish and lithe

Element: Lightning (Internalised)

Class: Mage

Location: Keriik Village

Occupation: Stable Hand

Weapon(s): None

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Harry was hopeful, courageous and ready for any challenge. He'd never turn down a fight, whether it a spar or war. He was surely fearless. He was always popular with almost everyone apart from the elders who saw that his spark of attitude would soon die out in time, and with the children he would love to play with. Now, however, he is very timid and quiet. Much more mellow and careful with his actions. Yet, there is always a part of him willing to extend a hand into the unknown.


Before coming to Esilis, Harry fought in the many short wars of Reshega. However, the most recent war put him in his place - damaging his horns beyond repair and making him deaf. He was a fine warrior when he was one, and his powers over lightning did not go unnoticed.

King Aktin like he had done to many before him, offered such great promises - of course, Harry was sceptical, but everyone around him seemed supportive of the King's plan. He followed the King's orders like a loyal hound. As chaos fell upon the battlefield between dimensions, Harry was brutally attacked by a Seathi Demon who spat its acidic bile into his eyes, this left him blinded for good.

Currently, Harry works by feeling his way around the stables of the hunters guild. He knows the stables off by heart and cleans them out when needed. His sense of touch and smell are still intact.

Theme:  https://youtu.be/09fMLDTPr1w


- Harry identifies people by feeling the shapes of their faces and determines if they've been introduced to him or not by a special signal.