


6 years, 11 months ago



"I like my men like I like my tea... I don't drink tea"


Name || Aspenkit | Aspenpaw | Aspenleap | Aspenstar
Reasoning || Aspen - Named after a tree... Star- Standard Leader suffix
Gender || Cis-gender || Female
Age || 28 years old ||
Sign || Gemini
Ethnicity || Mixed - Mostly Latina/Korean
Orientation || Homosexual/Lesbian
Occupation || Leader of AspenClan
Status || Single...Healthly...Sane
Theme || link a theme song


Height  || Aspenstar got the short end of the genetic stick. She is the shortest out of her siblings and she knows it so, don’t mention it. She sometimes is shorter than older apprentices.
Weight || Aspenstar is Heavy built, she has broad shoulders and thick fur. She was self-conscious about her weight when she was younger but now she owns it/
Looks   || Aspenstar is a mackerel tabby with long fur, she is all sorts of brown, She has violet-blue eyes.
Scars    || Aspenstar has two scars along her flank from her sister Ashstar.


+ Positive +
Curious || Due to her curious nature, she was a scouter back in the old group
Friendly || Loves to make new friends and loves her old one, she is scared to lose them
Enthusiastic || Always looking for a new angle she shines the brightest when given a challenge

- Negative -
Get Stressed Easily || While she likes challenges she can get stress quickly and with her becoming a leader in a short time she sometimes gets stressed so much she has to retreat from her clan.
Highly Emotional (to a fault) || Emotions are good but Aspenstar has trouble controlling them but she also is easily upset but she doesn't show it.
Independent to a Fault || Since her father tried to control her and rein her in she has become less likely to rely on others, which is a problematic thing when you're a leader of a clan.

= Neutral =
Observant || She can read people easily and can spot when someone needs a breather
Knows How to Relax || Aspenstar know how to take a step back and relax and recharge
Excellent Communicator || She is a great diplomat and makes exciting and rousing speeches.




Open Spaces
Being Left for Dead


Story Summary

Pre-birth || 

Oakflight and Violetwhisper were mates and loved each other very much, nothing could you change that. But Lily stumbled into PineClan with a passion and let's say Violetwhisper was lovestruck, Oakflight wasn’t far behind either. Lily was a loner looking for her sister Mockingbird but she couldn’t find her and began losing hope of ever seeing her sister. But let’s say she got distracted by the Power couple in the Clan, she joined Pineclan in hope of making the place her home. Lily, now Lilybranch was confused, how could she have a crush on two cats, let alone two that are mates? Confused and in love with two powerful cats Lilybranch tried to ignore her feelings but, Violetwhisper and Oakflight didn’t let her.

Both Violetwhisper and Oakflight tried to show Lilybranch that they were both into her but, Lilybranch was oblivious and seeing their advances as her own love lust imagination. Violetwhisper was fed up so she told Oakflight “We both want her so let’s just go get her”, the usual soft temperament cat confronted Violetwhisper alongside the reluctant Oakflight who shuffled his paws on feelings.

Lilybranch thought they were mad at the fact that she was crushing on the both of them, but surprise, surprise she was way off. The two cats that she loved, loved her back?? “But you two- mates, holding paws?? WHat??” Violetwhisper sighed and pressed her nose to Lilybranch and the rest was History.

Kithood ||
Aspenkit was born to Lilybranch alongside her brother Creek-kit. Violetwhisper also bore one kit Ashkit. The two sisters Aspenkit and Ashkit got along instantly and couldn’t be apart for more than a few minutes for being glued to each other's sides once again.
Even though the two sisters were opposites they got along great, including their tag-along brother Creek-kit. All of three of them always got into trouble with Aspenkit being the ring leader, Ashkit being the voice of reason and Creek-kit being the follower.

Apprenticeship ||
Aspenkit at 6 moons was made an apprentice Scouter, alongside her brother due to her jumping ability and love of climbing. She was apprenticed to Fawnfall one of the older Scouters while her brother was apprenticed to the high Scouter, Thunderwing.
Creekpaw was apprenticed to Thunderwing due to the fact he was the heir to the leadership due to PineClan's tradition.
Aspenpaw didn’t mind though, she loved Fawnfall! She was like a fun Aunt and taught her all about girls.
Aspenpaw became a warrior and a full scouter alongside her brother and sister. She got the name Aspenleap due to her ability to leap from branch to branch and soar across the treetops.

Warriorhood ||
Aspenleap had a normal warriorhood, she took on a mate named Elksong. But Elksong created on Aspenleap with a rogue male, and Aspenleap never healed. Her heart was shattered, she thought that she and Elksong would be mates forever. She loved Elksong and her heart was shattered.



Grandfather: Gorsestalker
Grandmother: Maplestar
Mother: Violetwhisper, Lilybranch
Father: Oakstar
Uncle: Coyotewail
Sibling(s):  Creekrain
Cousins(s): Scorchedmuzzle, Kaylee, Harp, Hopestream
Half-Sibling(s): Ashstar





[ Half-Sister ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat.


[ Adopted Brother-figure/Best Friend for life and forever]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat.


[ Brother/Best friend]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id. Duis feugiat ut nisl eu pulvinar. Fusce a massa turpis. Maecenas eget urna vitae magna dapibus cursus. Praesent egestas lectus enim, a volutpat purus convallis eget. Nam iaculis dapibus purus sed sodales. Morbi eleifend dui vel placerat mollis. Integer ac orci porttitor, pellentesque purus id, porta sem. Morbi vestibulum at diam id suscipit. Donec vitae interdum tortor. Mauris volutpat orci odio, ut venenatis lorem commodo non. Nunc quis commodo lorem. Duis sit amet augue erat.

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