
3 years, 4 months ago


Ciko’s twin brother, born just minutes after her. He becomes the new leader of the Lion Guard, a group of lions dedicated to defending the Pride Lands from danger and preserving the Circle of Life. This role is traditionally given to the secondborn cub of the monarchs.

Name meaning: Content


  • Kovu (father)
  • Kiara (mother)
  • Ciko (twin sister)
  • Kida (younger brother)

Personality: Very submissive and will do anything he is asked to without hesitation. Never disobeys or argues and takes his duties very seriously. Extremely protective of his loved ones, particularly his mother and his little brother, and will drop everything to keep them safe, even at the expense of himself. Has an all-or-nothing approach to everything - either does something well or doesn’t do it at all - and leaves no room for mistakes. Pushes himself extremely hard and will become angry with himself if he fails to meet his own expectations.