Ginna "Whimsy" Ramos



3 years, 1 month ago


Her soul's light shines through, but her soul cannot be seen.

It is something elusive, whimsical, tender, wanton, infantile, wise and noble.

- Joyce Kilmer


Name: Ginna Arabella Ramos

A.K.A: Whimsy; Whim

Age: 27

Gender: Cisgender Female

Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual

Skin: Deep tan; warm undertones

Hair: Brown-Black

Eyes: Dark Brown

Height: 5'5

Distinctions: Wears a Monroe piercing, fond of large and fun earrings (typically fruit themed), often seen in a button up and maxi-skirt combo, always wears yellow-laced Doc Martens, and has a cosmetically split tongue; as Whimsy, her entire form takes on a mostly white glow with faint colors, multi-colored light particles float off her as she moves


Parents: Pedro Omar Ramos and Veronica Veracruz-Ramos

Siblings: Fabiola “Fabi” Ramos

Friends: Ariana Doukas✝,  Mari “Vixen” McCabe, Don “Dove” Hall, Hank “Hawk” Hall, Jack “The Creeper” Ryder, Greg “Vigilante” Saunders, Sir Justin “Shining Knight”, Shayera Hall, John “Green Lantern” Stewert

Partner/s: Wally “The Flash” West; has had various other relationships


Affiliations: The Justice League


Personality Type: INFP-A [Assertive Mediator]

Temperament: Sanguine-Phlegmatic

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Compassionate | Humorous | Independant | Inflexible | Reserved

Ginna treats strangers like friends and friends like family; her breezy, yet down-to-earth demeanor is quick to make others feel at ease. But above all else, Ginna values her individualism. She's largely grown out of her rebelliousness of her youth, but holds fast to the wild child streak in her, unabashed regardless of when or where it surfaces. Her unpredictability and inclination towards following her impulses have given her many strange experiences and stories she enjoys sharing with others.

Her road as Whimsy is definitely one of her weirder moments. Whim uses humor to cope with the curveballs Leaguer life throws at her, both to ease her nerves and to (hopefully) convince others she's adjusting better than she feels she is. She prides herself on being a quick learner, though, even if she's not entirely sure this life is for her.

She strives at being self-reliant, which she is, however Ginna wrestles with knowing when to ask for help. It takes some goading to let others in on her personal problems and even more to allow them to comfort her. She hates the idea of being coddled, but in her efforts of shouldering the weight on her own, she sometimes winds up crushed under the pressure.


Powers and Abilities

Reality Warping: For reasons not fully known, Ginna is able to change and shape the fabric of reality within a certain area, effects including:

  • Molecular Structure: Ginna can change and/or replace objects within her reach, altering anything from their appearance down to their atomic and chemical make-up. This includes changing and rearranging her own structure, which is the easiest for her to do, her Whimsy alteration is the most common example of this.
    • NOTE: It’s likely that her flight ability comes stems from this power in particular
  • Matter Creation/Destruction: Antoine Lavoisier’s Law of Conservation doesn’t seem to apply to Ginna, who can create objects from thin air. This is, however, difficult for her to do, so she prefers to change an object than to create an entirely new one.
  • Reality Marble: An advanced technique Ginna figures out down the road, by “flicking” a small marble of reality from her fingers she can extend her reach beyond her set perimeters. These marbles change an object upon impact, changes may vary and larger objects require multiple marbles.

Reality Searching: Ginna can peek into alternate realities and universes, gleaning information and probabilities.

Limitations and Weaknesses

Reality Bubble Perimeter: Within Ginna’s ‘Reality Bubble’ almost anything is possible, but the bubble has the maximum spherical area of her body’s length. Anything outside the bubble is untouched. The closer to the edge of her bubble an object is, the less control Ginna has over the outcome of it, unlike the absolute control she has when in direct contact with it.

  • NOTE: This is somewhat remedied by her later Reality Marbles, but they pale in comparison to her main bubble

Sentient Beings: Ginna is unable to affect other sentient beings, only objects.

  • NOTE: She can create plants and small animals from inanimate objects, plants are no problem, but the biggest animal she can muster is no bigger than a small bird.

Human Mind: Ginna is human, or at least, of human mind. While her warping of reality is often fantastical due to her artistic background, she can’t reach beyond her human imagination. This is a hindrance to her Reality Searching in particular, as it’s possible in theory and likely practice, but it’s done without meaning to, she’s forced into a comatose state, and she rarely, if ever retains any of the information.