Gi "Riot" Flores



3 years, 1 month ago


“Why does tragedy exist?

Because you are full of rage.

Why are you full of rage?

Because you are full of grief.”

- Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides


Name: Gi Flores

A.K.A: Riot; Giselle Flores, Gigi, Ri

Age: 15 [S3 Era]

Gender: Unsure [No pronoun preference, but She/They are common]

Orientation: No preference

Skin: Medium Tan, warm overtones

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Originally Dark Brown; Red-Brown with Jaundice [powered down], Red with Yellow Sclera [powered up]

Height: 5'7”

Build: Broad shouldered and all around solid

Distinctions: Scar on right upper corner of her lip [Orange Lantern Ser’ph @ Skele]. Teeth are sharpened to a point. Mole under left eye, another on right cheek. Perceived as androgynous.


Parents: Guillermo and Lucrecia Flores [estranged]

Siblings: Guillermo “Memo” Flores Jr. [estranged]

Friends: Bart “Kid Flash II” Allen, Garfield “Beast Boy” Logan, Connor “Superboy” Kent, Adrian “Amethyst” Sawyer [@lauka2], M’gann “Miss Martian” M’orzz, Shizuka “Oni” Amachi [OC], Forager ‘Fred Bugg’, Jo “Lovetap” Shinoda [OC], Jaime “Blue Beetle III” Reyes, Munch “Yellow Jacket” Martinez [OC], Cassie “Wondergirl” Sandsmark,

Misc.: Guy “Green Lantern” Gardner (Mentor), Lucas “Snapper” Carr, Bryce “Red Lantern” Richards✝ [OC], Krow [@bumblebeast], Jinx

Affiliations: The Team; Red Lantern Corps [formally]


Personality Type: ISFP-T [Adventurer Turbulent]

Temperament: Melancholy-Choleric

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Loyal | Empathetic | Introverted | Defiant | Impulsive

Withdrawn, rarely emotive, and often non-verbal, first impressions of Gi leave others unaware what to make of her. She’s seen as hollow, even lacking in personality, making her shows of brashness and resistance to orders seem spontaneous and wholly unwarranted in comparison. People who know better realize she’s a ticking time bomb fueled by not much but whims and emotion.

She holds a startling amount of anger on her own, but with the nudge of her Red Lantern ring, her temper is nothing short of explosive. A brute more than a planner, Gi is an aggressive combatant. It’s not that she favors violence over diplomacy, but she can easily get carried away in the heat of battle if she’s not kept on track.

She doesn’t favor crowds and hates being the center of attention, but it’s more of a case of social awkwardness than misanthropy. She’s far more compassionate than she’s given credit for and when given the opportunity to befriend, Gi is an unconditionally devoted, ride-or-die companion. From being a dedicated teammate to being a listening ear, Gi does what she can to show she’d give it all for her friends, even if she might not have the words for it.


Red Energy Conduit: Having been inducted into the Red Lantern Corps, Gi wields a Red Lantern Power Ring. It allows her to fly, survive in vacuums, manipulate energy, create force fields, and tap into a xenolinguistic database. The Red Lantern Power Ring is powered by rage, which gives it other attributes.

  • Rage Plasma: A trademark of the Red Lanterns, this rage plasma was forcefully injected into Gi’s system by her ring. It allows her to regurgitate a highly corrosive acidic/napalm substance able to burn through anything, including energy and light constructs. If she’s sufficiently enraged, it can ignite into flames. Because of how gruesome and fatal it is, she refuses to use it in good conscience.
  • Red Energy Constructs: Not common among Red Lanterns because of their general lack of self-control, but there are a couple ways for them to come to this ability. The most common being consuming the blood of a Red Lantern who already had the ability, as was the case with Gi. It’s a fairly new skill and she still struggles with making cohesive constructs.  
  • Rage Empowerment: Gi can tap into another person’s rage and absorb it, giving herself a power boost. Alternatively, she can infect others with her own rage, giving them an extra boost as well.
  • Rage Empathy: Gi can tap into a person’s rage and shift through memories tied to it in order to better understand where it comes from

Weaknesses and Limitations

Uncontrollable Rage: The Red Light Energy is considered one of the strongest in raw power because of it’s slot on the far end of the emotional-light spectrum, but it’s a double-edged sword in that the power holds more dominion on the wielder of the ring rather than the other way around. Rage is a powerful emotion and in Gi’s case, it’s more of a struggle to keep from acting impulsively and she loses her sense of judgement when driven over the edge.

Ring Dependability: Gi is still a human underneath the coverage of her ring and will revert to such without it.

Hope Influence: The biggest chink in a Red Lanterns armor comes in the color blue. Blue Lanterns soothe the rage of a Red Lantern because of their Blue Light of Hope, weakening or outright negating a Red Lantern’s attacks.


[NOTE: The basis of my general DC verse largely springboards off animated Young Justice, but I don’t strictly abide by canon events and liberally blend canon from other shows and comics. In this case, Green Lantern: The Animated Series, The New 52, and Teen Titans. Also bear in mind, it’s vague for project reasons.]

Earth was still picking up the pieces left by the Reach when it was blind sided by the Red Lantern Corps. It’s leader, Atrocitus, started off his own invasion with mass destruction. Between going through betrayal with the Reach and having to experience yet another alien attack, fear turned to anger among Earth’s populace. The people’s rising rage played into Atrocitus’ plan as he sent hundreds of Red Lantern Rings to recruit for his corps as revenge against one of Earth’s Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan.

The battle against Atrocitus and his rapidly expanding army brought heroes and willing villains into the frey, ultimately succeeding reverting most feral Reds and driving away the larger bulk of the Corps. Still, Atrocitus managed to take with him a handful of newcomers, one of which included then 13-year-old Gi Flores.

At the Red Lantern’s home planet of Ysmault, Gi was snapped back to her senses when she was forced into the mind-clearing Blood Lake by another human Red Lantern, Bryce Richards. Richards, a former A.R.G.U.S agent, had fought against the mindless nature of a Red Lantern through his own willpower and planned escape back to Earth with Gi in tow.

The journey back was a long and hard one, the two alone in the depths of the universe and branded as traitors with no idea of the state Earth was left in. The initial friction between Gi and Richards didn’t help either, their differences in background and personalities clashed more than not. As they fought on and settled on a rhythm, a familial bond was forged. Hope sparked brighter when they met a Blue Lantern by the name Razer, a friend and former teammate of Hal Jordan. With home just beyond the horizon and Richards’ promise of giving Gi a permanent place at his dinner table, Gi saw an end to the instability that plagued her life until then.

But Gi’s return to Earth was a pyrrhic victory; Richards wouldn’t be with her when she did.

Gi was immediately shuffled under the custody of the Justice League and as of now, is currently staying within the confines of the Watchtower. She gave up her ring to the League at their insistence, all while squirreling away Richards’ ring under the lie that it had been destroyed.

You never know when it could come in handy for a breakout...


  • Gi eventually joins the Team under the codename, Riot, but not before the involvement of H.I.V.E Academy.
  • Despite her situation, Gi tries her best at living an unassuming life. When she’s not on hero duty, she spends most of her time in front of a T.V screen watching cartoons and has a knack for baking.
  • It is possible for Gi to take off the Red ring, but it’s painful even at the best of times. She rather just keep it on out of convenience and she’s against parting with it all together
  • Gi is resistant against adults, but is far more open to allow other teens and younger kids approach her
  • Ironically even though Gi seems to be the type to prefer quiet, Gi likes more extroverted company. Possibly because they’re usually the ones carrying the conversation and she nods along, every once in a while piping in with a deadpan sense of humor. Her ‘laughter’ is usually a single huff of air.
  • Outside of that, she’s more reliant on body language to get her point across (ie. thumbs up/down, shrugging, nodding, a punch to the face etc.) Her friend, Bart Allen, is usually her on hand translator.
  • The black jacket she wears isn’t an actual part of her uniform, she wears it to hide the Red Lantern insignia on her chest.