
3 years, 1 month ago


  • Logan Caulfield

  • age 31
  • pronouns He/Him
  • race Human
  • role Gumshoe, Searcher
  • theme Frozen Pines

Analytical • Calculative • Resourceful

Sharp-faced and dressed like a punk, Logan is the Old Pine Radio Station’s resident archivist, in charge of keeping all data that traverses the station catalogued. His family moved to Barlow, West Virginia when he was a rough and angry kid, to get away from his former elementary school and the kids he got in fights with there.

Not long after his family moved, his twin brother Chase vanished, and though he and his parents searched and hunted for him for years, he never returned. Desperate to find out the truth, Logan went down the path of being an archivist in the hope of accessing any info he could about what happened, but the longer he works in the archives, the more mysteries he unravels, the more questions he has, and the more answers he needs.

"The truth should always be recorded."

height 5'11"

build Twunk

gender Cis man

Orientation Gay, closeted, complicated

dob September 11

sign Virgo

origin Sisters, Oregon

occupation Archivist


  • Investigating unsolved mysteries
  • Documentation
  • Organizing
  • Libraries
  • History
  • Smoking


  • Talking about himself
  • Having to express emotions
  • Cops
  • Churches
  • Incompetent people
  • Being lied to


Logan was born in Sisters, Oregon, the second of two twin boys. Both he and his brother Chase were named after their grandfathers, with Chase, the older of the two, getting the first names, and Logan getting the middle names. Logan and Chase grew to elementary school age as fairly normal kids, but though the boys looked similar, Chase was shorter and more social, and Logan was taller, more abrasive, and wary of letting people in too much. This began to cause problems around 3rd grade, as friend groups began to form. Chase, while social, was also often teased because he was more sensitive and would react to it. In turn, Logan would step in and tell the other kids to stop, and when they didn't, things got physical. After months of misery and trips to the principal's office, the Caulfields moved away from Sisters, Oregon to Barlow, West Virginia, where their grandmother had grown up.

A month after the boys' shared 11th birthday, Chase vanished in the midst of the Fog. A regular occurrence in Barlow, residents knew to be indoors when it happened, but Chase was outside, and wasn't seen again. Receiving basically no help from the Barlow police department, Logan and his parents searched for Chase themselves for days that spanned into weeks that spanned into months that spanned into years. Eventually, Logan's parents gave up looking, but Logan continued to search for anything and everything he could find to try and locate Chase, unable and unwilling to process his grief.

Early Adulthood

After high school, Logan moved away from Barlow to attend the University of Charleston, West Virginia. At face value, it looked like Logan was applying himself to his studies, but he took on the extra work to distract from having to think about himself, or the grief and trauma he never let himself face. When schoolwork wasn't enough to keep his mind off of learning things about himself, he took on other unhealthy coping mechanisms. He picked up smoking and started hanging at bars by himself, briefly dating a few women before withdrawing and avoiding contact altogether. Despite attempts to avoid thinking about himself or his needs, Logan slowly came to realize that he was gay, but treated that as another thing to distract himself from, finding cruising spots to take care of his needs but never letting himself get close to anyone beyond a few hookups. The moment he realized he was starting to have feelings for a man he'd been hooking up with on and off, he cut off all contact and withdrew from the distractions he'd allowed himself, refocusing entirely on his studies.

Four years after moving to Charleston, Logan graduated as salutatorian of his class, with a dual BA in History and BS in Psychology. Though part of Logan always wanted to return to Barlow after finishing his undergraduate programs, he feared being alone with his thoughts for too long, and so he instead went on to Marshall University to complete an MA program in History. His work ethic remained the same and he graduated magna cum laude, but Logan deliberately made sure he wouldn't have to give any speeches at the commencement ceremonies the second time around. Though he received several offers for doctorate programs after having applied for them, Logan inevitably decided to return to Barlow, too desperate to know what happened to Chase to move away from that goal any longer.

Present Day

Logan's parents moved away from Barlow while Logan was still pursuing his undergraduate studies, leaving him nowhere in Barlow in particular to return to when he finally did come back. He found a cheap apartment and intended to just investigate things individually on his own for as long as he could afford to off the residual scholarship funding he'd gotten through his college years, but eventually approached the Old Pine Radio Station to ask for a job as an archivist instead. The job meant he'd have access to a wealth of records and documents about Barlow's past that could help him potentially find out what happened that led to Chase vanishing seemingly into the sky.

Chase Caulfield

[ twin brother (deceased) ] Logan's older twin, he and Chase were inseparable all through childhood, and Logan was very protective of him. Chase disappeared outside of the Caulfields' home in Barlow when they were 11, leaving no trace of where he went. After 20 years of investigating, Logan finally found his brother's body after dealing with the creature that had taken his brother and many other children away.

Jacob Cobb

[ coworker, love interest ] Old Pine Radio Station's daytime disc jockey and the first coworker that Logan got to know, Jacob is a quiet but steady presence in the radio station. Despite Logan's often manic work ethic, Jacob's constant chill and easygoing manner won Logan over, and though Logan struggles to open up about his feelings, he did eventually confess to having feelings for Jacob in the end.

Riley Stein

[ coworker, love interest ] Despite being Old Pine Radio Station's technician, Logan initially met Riley on an occult theory message board online. Logan holds a massive amount of respect for both her ability to find information and her fearlessness where the unknown is concerned. After a night of drinking more than he should have, Logan confessed to having confusing feelings for both her and Jacob.

Cyrus Miller

[ coworker, friend ] The radio station's new night disc jockey, Cyrus arrived in the midst of a four month period of no strange activity in Barlow. Despite Logan telling him repeatedly to be careful, Cyrus didn't see any strange behavior, but after the first Fog in months, Cyrus began to see Barlow's dangers. Logan respects Cyrus' energy, but is wary for his safety.

Theodora Willow

[ friend ] Theodora Willow is an older resident of Barlow, one that Logan knew of even as a kid, but in the midst of returning to Barlow, he began running into her more and more. Both have a penchant for getting into arguments with the town sheriff whenever he doesn't do his job, and Logan has great respect for her no-nonsense attitude.

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