


6 years, 11 months ago


🌸 Charity 🌸

Female | Human | 23


General Info:

+ A Japanese nurse who recently opened up a cute little clinic, hidden away from view. She’s gentle and caring to her patients. Mostly.

+ She loves pastels. Her clinic is littered with posters of animals  telling you "everything will be alright", and "hang in there!". There are stuffed bears and bunnies in the chairs, and it almost looks like a  pediatric clinic with all the cute things. The floors are white, and the  walls are a soft pink. There is a jar of suckers on the front desk.

+ She's currently the only person working at the clinic, so a majority of the day the front desk is empty and she asks you ring a bell on the table if  you need her.

+ She came to America from Tokyo, Japan, changing her name from Ari to Charity when she got there. (she liked the sound of it.)

+ She, of course, speaks Japanese as a first language. She is not completely fluent in English as she's still learning, and if she's not paying  attention she often slips back into her native tongue.

+ Her voice sounds very bubbly and 'kawaii' when she works, but when speaking regularly it's lush, feminine, and almost threatening.  It's very dominant sounding.

+ Her natural hair color is brunette- dark brown.

+ Her favorite animals are bears!


+ Her cup size is about a 34c. Please don't exaggerate it too much! Too small is better than too big ;w;”