


3 years, 1 month ago


Age 27 years
Height 6'
Ethnicity mixed; Chinese/white
Gender transgender man
Pronouns he/him
Orientation 🌈
Occupation hunter, trader, weirdo
Original verse Red Dead Online

Mischevious, fun-loving and somewhat reckless, Lawrence can often be found causing problems on purpose, when he's not spending weeks on end in the wilderness hunting. Others rarely appreciate his antics, nor find them as funny as he does, and were it not for how reliable and dependable he is when it counts, he would probably find himself banned from a lot more places than he already is. Despite appearances and first impressions, however, Lawrence isn't actually malicious--if someone else gets hurt because of something he did, he near-immediately switches gears, showing a much more compassionate side than many would assume even exists.

Outside of his usual activities and interests, Lawrence isn't very knowledgeable and often comes off as slow or dimwitted to those that are quick to judge, something his generally annoying and uncouth attitude hardly helps. When presented with the opportunity to learn new things, however, he's very earnest and enjoys being taught.

With people he's come to care about, he's still kind of a bastard but he'll at least hesitate for a second before pulling a prank on them. He's a gratifying friend or ally to have, as he'll do just about anything for his friends even without them asking anything of him. Even just overhearing someone talking about something they need done or something they want will see him setting off to do just that.


  • [ WIP ]

Lawrence grew up in the area around Armadillo, despite the near-constant sickness plaguing the town. His father, a doctor, refused to leave town, very earnest about doing everything he could for the townpeople, no matter how difficult it got--and in spite of Lawrence's mother repeatedly insisting they leave for the good of the family. It would catch up with him eventually, as he grew ill and inevitably passed away when Lawrence was only 13 years old.

Packing up little more than the essentials, his mother took the both of them out into the desert to live in seclusion. She taught him everything she knew about how to survive, though she was often pretty harsh with him; she had lost a lot over the years, and this was her way of trying to ensure her only remaining family would be equipped to survive and be successful. Their relationship became strained and fraught with arguments, and at 18 years old, after a praticularly nasty argument, Lawrence left home with little intentions or ambitions besides putting the state of New Austin as far behind him as possible.

[ WIP ]