Theodore "Peanut"



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Peanut (Salem only), Theo







Body Type:

Fit/Under weight

Hair Color:


Eye Color:

Right Chocolate, Left Ice Blue






Peace Corps



Theodore comes across as very confident when you first meet him, seeming to have an air of 'I don't give a shit what you think' that follows him around. In fact, he can at times be found saying those exact words whenever someone saids something even remotely off-putting or judgemental toward him.

But in reality Theo is extremely self-concious, which is why he constantly insists he doesn't care about what others think - because he really, really does. He has a lot of issues with self-worth, often considering himself a waste of space and trying to find something that makes his life seem meaningful. The more he tries, however, the less he feels like he's found what he's looking for.


Growing up in the shadow of 4-years-older sister who is a Mensa-recognized genuis, Theo often felt as if he would never live up to her. This was made worse by his mother, who constantly pushed him to try and be like his sister. He tried desperately to even slightly compare, but fell short everytime, causing her to constantly insist that he wasn't worth her time and that it was better spent on his sibling. Because of this, he ended up being dragged along while his mother forced his sister to travel worldwide and compete in constant competitions in an attempt to exploit her for both fame and money.

When his sister was 18 - and he was 14 - She moved away from their mother and brought Theo with her. She tried her best to assure him that he was worthwhile and supported him in everything he tried to do, but despite her support he was never able to find something to devote himself to. He ended up constantly cyling through various goals, trying to find something to fufil a void he hadn't even realized was growing.

Eventually, Theo decided to join the Peace Corps and traveled to various contries to help build schools, community centers, and care for those in need. It ended up giving him a little bit of comfort to know that he could at least be useful to others, but he still felt empty inside... until he happened upon the channel of AlienBank, a rising LetsPlayer on VidTube, and fell hard for him.

Theodore will be the first to admit that he rather blatantly stalked Alien - aka Salem. He made a temporary move to the city where Salem lived and frequented places where he might be for about two months, before finally running into him... and, upon finally meeting him, proceeded to play hard to get - sucdessfully getting Salem's attention.

At first their relationship was a stricky 'friends-with-benefits' type, which suited them both just fine. But when Theodore rather suddenly (at least, to Salem) attempted suicide and had to be revived twice before Salem's eyes, Salem realized that he couldn't be without him, and purposed to him. Theo said yes.


...Unfortuantely, being in a relationship with a famous person is never easy. Salem was already a very popular LetsPlayer, which meant that he had a good following. And, of course, with a fan base comes the 'shippers'... people who insist that Salem belongs with another LetsPlayer, who he doesn't really like. These people can be extremely hurtful and because of this, Salem asked a good friend to pretend to be his girlfriend in the spotlight, hoping to avoid the hatefulness that the fandom had festered. For good reason, as well, as his 'girlfriend' is sent hate messages by shippers at least once a week, telling her she should 'khs' for blocking this ficticous relationship.

Because of this, Salem refuses to admit he is in a relationship with Theo and does everything in his power to hide it... including hiding the fact that Theo exists at all. Despite being married, they don't live together - and Theo spends most of his time in other countries, still helping out with the Peace Corps. They only see each other every so often, but talk as often as they can via phone or face camming.

The worst part of it, however, is that Salem is too nervous to actually tell Theo the reason why he won't admit they are together, and instead gives excuses that they both know are bullshit. And while Salem really just wants to protect his Peanut, Theo is left feeling like he's just a mistake, causing him to be incredibly defensive and sparking arguments between them.

-Has BPD.
-Absolutely loves Harry Potter.
-VERY Proud Hufflepuff (wears a lot of black/gold).
-Has often been/is often made fun of for his looks