[TBN] Scattershot human mage



3 years, 1 month ago


A young lishu practitioner and journeyman mage, exceptional in skill and full of ambition. Having finished her formal studies, she now travels from world to world as an itinerant, seeking to test her knowledge against some of the more vicious things that the sector has to offer.

She is quite proud of her Scattershot human background and of all the hardships and obstacles her people have overcome over the last thousand years, and will eagerly jump into any nearby argument to defend their honor. She is a little more disdainful towards the various outsiders who have come to the sector in recent decades, feeling that they belittle and look down upon those like her.

She is very disdainful towards the gwemoueb hweba, finding their lack of liliu potential pathetic and their love for technological augmentations disturbing. More than once she's traveled the stars by stowing away on one of their freighters, revealing her presence once they're in orbit, sending them cackling and scampering in terror with a demonstration of arcane power, and then convincing them to take her where she wants to go. Sometimes she feels a twinge of guilt, and will present them with a token of her appreciation upon arrival.

Mages in Scattershot society are traditionally given the choice of leading a tower or commanding a starship upon attaining the status of master. She very much wants the latter, and has been making friends as she adventures, hoping to ask them to join her crew when the day comes. She also keeps tabs on any vessels which catch her fancy, hoping for the opportunity to make one of them her own.

She is quite proud of the staff she wields. At its core is an ancient human artifact dating to before the Dawn Judgment; her successful quest to find and bring back that orb marked the beginning of her notoriety as a lishu prodigy. Her very supportive father, a well-off merchant with his own small fleet of trading vessels, helped her commission the most skilled of Scattershot artificers to craft the staff around the orb and paid for its creation. (He also offered to pass down to her one of his older ships, but she politely turned him down.)